城市是人类活动最为强烈的地区,其环境受到人类活动的深刻影响.城市不透水地面的迅速增加改变了地表污染物的累积和冲刷规律,使非点源污染的“源”“过程”“汇”都发生了变化[1].城市地表灰尘在一定外动力条件下较易扬起,污染物通过呼吸吸入和皮肤接触等途径进入人体,从而影响公众健康; 另外,由于不透水地面具有强烈的水文活动,灰尘中携带的大量污染物质在径流的搬运下进入地表水,恶化城市水环境.
本研究选取济南市东泺河城市汇水区为研究区域,一方面济南市东泺河有泉水补充,为常年性河流,入小清河,地表灰尘重金属可能随降雨径流进入河道,成为河道底泥重金属的来源之一.另一方面,研究区域穿过城市主城区,其汇水区为城市中心区,人口密度高.因此,旨为在小清河水环境质量改善和城市路面灰尘污染治理提供依据,本研究分析该区地表灰尘中Cd,Cr,Cu,Pb,Zn,Hg,As 7种重金属的污染状况,并对研究区居民暴露在道路灰尘环境中的潜在健康风险进行评估.以期为济南市街道扬尘管理和河道水环境质量改善提供技术支撑.
Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Surface Dust in Catchment Areas——A Study on Jinan Dongluo River Catchment Area
- Received Date: 15/01/2020
- Available Online: 20/11/2020
Key words:
- heavy metals /
- water catchment areas /
- surface dust /
- health risk assessment
Abstract: Catchment area of the Dongluo River in Jinan was selected as the research object, and 30 samples were selected to analyze the contents of seven heavy metals(Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, and As)in two seasons. The health risk level of surface dust in the region was assessed. The results show that the risk of cancer in children and adults was less than the maximum acceptable risk. The non carcinogenic risk of adults can be ignored in two seasons. Children's non carcinogenic risk exists in non heating season, which can be ignored in heating season. The top three non-carcinogenic risk contributions are Cr>Pb>Cu, and the non-carcinogenic risk of three heavy metals accounts for about 95 % of the total non-carcinogenic risk. The carcinogenic risk of Cr is more than 99.5 % of the total carcinogenic risk. High risk areas are concentrated in the northwest of the study area. Heavy metal pollution sources may be traffic sources and small-scale building materials enterprises.