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2022 Volume 1 Issue 2
Article Contents

GONG Jie, WANG Daibin, YANG Chao, et al. Study on the Effects of Plant Stimulants on Early and Rapid Growth of Tobacco and Control of Wildfire Disease[J]. PLANT HEALTH AND MEDICINE, 2022, (2): 32-38. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.zwyx.2022.02.005
Citation: GONG Jie, WANG Daibin, YANG Chao, et al. Study on the Effects of Plant Stimulants on Early and Rapid Growth of Tobacco and Control of Wildfire Disease[J]. PLANT HEALTH AND MEDICINE, 2022, (2): 32-38. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.zwyx.2022.02.005

Study on the Effects of Plant Stimulants on Early and Rapid Growth of Tobacco and Control of Wildfire Disease

More Information
  • Received Date: 20/09/2021
  • MSC: S435.72

  • Plant stimulants is a kind of substance or microorganism that can promote plant growth, relieve abiotic stress and improve crop quality. It has been widely used in agricultural production and gradually become a powerful tool for improving quality and efficiency of chemical fertilizer and pesticide. In this study, the effects of plant stimulants on the early and rapid growth of tobacco and control of wildfire disease were investigated by spraying fish protein hydrolysates and trehalose onto tobacco leaf surface at seedling stage or from resettling growth stage to flourishing stage. The results showed that fish protein hydrolysates could not only promote the early growth of tobacco, improve the performances of agronomic traits of tobacco, but also have a good control effect on wildfire disease. The treatment with spraying fish protein hydrolysates in the seedlings stage(100 g/667 m2)and resettling growth stage(500 g/667 m2) had significant improvement effects on the maximum leaf length, maximum leaf width, stem girth, effective leaf number, leaf area and other agronomic traits, and significantly promoted the early growth of tobacco, also had the best control effect on tobacco wildfire disease. This study could provide a theoretical and practical basis for application of plant stimulants in a large-scale of the field.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Study on the Effects of Plant Stimulants on Early and Rapid Growth of Tobacco and Control of Wildfire Disease

Abstract: Plant stimulants is a kind of substance or microorganism that can promote plant growth, relieve abiotic stress and improve crop quality. It has been widely used in agricultural production and gradually become a powerful tool for improving quality and efficiency of chemical fertilizer and pesticide. In this study, the effects of plant stimulants on the early and rapid growth of tobacco and control of wildfire disease were investigated by spraying fish protein hydrolysates and trehalose onto tobacco leaf surface at seedling stage or from resettling growth stage to flourishing stage. The results showed that fish protein hydrolysates could not only promote the early growth of tobacco, improve the performances of agronomic traits of tobacco, but also have a good control effect on wildfire disease. The treatment with spraying fish protein hydrolysates in the seedlings stage(100 g/667 m2)and resettling growth stage(500 g/667 m2) had significant improvement effects on the maximum leaf length, maximum leaf width, stem girth, effective leaf number, leaf area and other agronomic traits, and significantly promoted the early growth of tobacco, also had the best control effect on tobacco wildfire disease. This study could provide a theoretical and practical basis for application of plant stimulants in a large-scale of the field.

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