Study on Effect of Seedling Bio-Substrate on Tobacco Growth and Disease Control in Liangshan Prefecture
摘要: 四川省凉山烟区是我国清甜香型优质烟叶的代表产区之一,在地方财政收入、烟农创收致富以及乡村振兴中具有重要地位,但近年来凉山烟叶高质量生产的瓶颈问题愈发突出,苗床烟苗健康度、移栽后烟株早生快发和田间根茎病害防控问题亟待解决.育苗基质拌菌技术是中国烟草总公司主推的一项烟草根茎病害绿色防控技术,能优化根际微生态环境,有效提升苗床烟苗质量和田间烟株抗病性,是实现烟草根茎病害绿色防控和烟叶高质量生产的重要保障.2018—2021年,凉山州推进落实苗强壮育苗基质拌菌技术共2万hm2,取得了良好的应用效果,本研究通过2021年对凉山州10个植烟县(市)的38个试验点共6 666.67 hm2的育苗基质拌菌技术对苗床烟苗促生效果以及打顶期田间烟株病害防控效果的追踪调查,明确了该技术有效缩短烟种出苗时间、显著提高烟种出苗率、壮苗率和健苗率、大大降低田间烟草根茎病害的发生的优点,实现了减工降本增效,在凉山烟区具有较高的可用性、可靠性和有效性,同时,对该技术的进一步优化提出了展望和建议,为育苗基质拌菌的升级优化提供了支持,为凉山州烟草健康栽培和烟叶高质量生产提供了实际参考.Abstract: Liangshan prefecture is one of the representatives for sweet scent and high quality tobacco production in China. The tobacco production plays an important role in the local fiscal revenue, tobacco farmers income and country revitalization, but in recent years, the bottleneck of high-quality development of Liangshan tobacco production became a serious problem. The problems of tobacco seedling health in seedbed, early and quick growth of tobacco after transplanting and disease control in the field have to be solved urgently. Seedling bio-substrate is a recommended green-control technology for tobacco root and stem diseases by China National Tobacco Corporation, which can effectively improve the quality of tobacco seedlings and the disease resistance. In 2021, this technology were applied for about 6 666.67 hm2 in Liangshan Prefecture, which achieved satisfied application effects. In this paper, the effect of seedling bio-substrate on promotion of the seedling growth in seedling beds and disease control during the topping-period in the fields of tobacco were investigated in 38 experimental sites of 10 tobacco-growing counties (cities) in Liangshan Prefecture. The results showed that seedling bio-substrate could effectively shorten the emergence time, significantly improve the rate of emergence and quality, and greatly reduce the index of tobacco root diseases. In this paper, we also give our suggestion to the further optimization of seedling bio-substrate. This paper provided strong support for the upgrading and optimization of seedling bio-substrate, which was a practical reference for tobacco cultivation and high-quality tobacco production in Liangshan Prefecture.
Key words:
- tobacco /
- seedling bio-substrate /
- technology extension /
- bacterial wilt /
- biological control .
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