为做好小麦重大病虫害防控成效的评价工作,客观反映病虫害防控的成效和贡献率,根据农业农村部种植业管理司安排部署,2022年全国农业技术推广服务中心组织河南、山东、河北和安徽4省植保体系系统开展了小麦重大病虫害防控植保贡献率评价工作.通过统一设置严格防控区、统防统治区、农户自防区和完全不防治对照区,采用多点试验测产的方法,经科学评估,2022年全国小麦病虫害(不包括草害和鼠害)防控植保贡献率为24.20%;据此测算,共挽回小麦产量损失3 285万t.统计分析结果表明,严格防控情况下,植保贡献率比农户自防高13.93个百分点;统防统治条件下,植保贡献率也比农户自行防控高8.12个百分点.如通过努力,将全国小麦病虫害统防统治比例由当前的55%提高到75%,并通过实施精准防控等措施,进一步降低病虫害为害损失率,则植保贡献率还有8.93个百分点的提升空间,减损增产潜力巨大.本评价结果是在2022年小麦病虫害发生相对较轻、且在有效防除麦田杂草、秋播拌种防治地下害虫及小麦苗期病害等的基础上完成的.因此,植保贡献率数据有可能偏小.
To evaluate the result of the prevention and control of major wheat diseases and insect pests, and objectively reflect the effectiveness and contribution rate of disease and pest control, in 2022, the National Agri-Tech Extension Service Center organized the plant protection organizations of Henan, Shandong, Hebei, and Anhui to systematically evaluate the contribution rate of prevention and control on major wheat diseases and pests. By uniformly setting strict prevention and control areas, unified prevention and control areas, farmers' self-control areas, and non-control areas, using the method of multi-point test sampling, after scientific evaluation, the contribution rate of plant protection on national wheat pests and diseases(excluding weeds and rodents) control in 2022 was calculated as 24.20%, and the 32.85 million t of wheat production loss was saved. Statistical analysis shows that under strict prevention and control, the contribution rate of plant protection is 13.93% higher than that of farmers' self-prevention. Under the condition of unified prevention and control, the contribution rate of plant protection is also 8.12% higher than that of farmers' self-prevention. If we put more effort, increase the proportion of national wheat pest and disease control from the current 50% to 75%, together with the implementation of precise control and other measures to effectively control the loss caused by pests and diseases. The potential national wheat yield increased by pest control could reach over 5 billion kg. The plant protection capacity for reduction of damage and increase of yield is huge. The results of this evaluation were derived based on the effective control of weeds in wheat fields and underground pests and diseases at the seedling stage in autumn by seed dressing. Therefore, the data of the calculated contribution rate of plant protection may be less than the fact.