Identification Bacterial Wilt Resistance of ‘Xiangyan No.7’ Tobacco and Its Quality Analysis
摘要: 选育优良抗病品种是防治烟草土传病害的有效手段之一.本研究选择“湘烟7号”和“云烟87”两种不同的烟草品种,通过室内和田间抗病效果评价,以及测定烟叶常规化学成分含量,鉴定不同烟草品种对青枯病的抗性效果,并分析烟叶品质差异.结果表明,室内盆栽和田间试验均显示,相较于“云烟87”,“湘烟7号”发病率更低,抗病性更强;2种烟草移栽后30 d,调查农艺性状发现“湘烟7号”叶面积显著高于“云烟87”,其余指标无明显差异;在移栽后60 d,“云烟87”株高显著高于“湘烟7号”,其余指标无明显差异;测定烟碱、总氮等化学成分发现,“云烟87”在化学成分含量以及协调性方面优于“湘烟7号”;可以看出“湘烟7号”对青枯病抗病性更强,而“云烟87”则化学成分及协调性较好.本研究明确了2种不同烟草品种在抗病性、农艺性状以及品质的不同表现,旨在选育优良的抗性品种,提高烟叶产量,可为后续烟株种植提供理论依据.Abstract: Breeding good disease-resistant varieties is one of the effective methods to control soil-borne tobacco diseases. In this study, two different tobacco varieties, ‘Xiangyan No. 7' and ‘Yunyan 87', were used. The resistance of different tobacco varieties to bacterial wilt disease was identified by indoor and field evaluation of resistance, and the difference of tobacco leaf quality was analyzed by determination of conventional chemical components of tobacco leaves. The results showed that compared with ‘Yunyan 87', ‘Xiangyan 7' had lower morbidity and stronger disease resistance. The leaf area of ‘Xiangyan No.7' was significantly larger than that of ‘Yunyan 87' after 30 days of transplanting, and had no significant difference on other indexes. At 60 days after transplanting, the height of ‘Yunyan 87' was significantly higher than that of ‘Xiangyan No.7', but the other indexes had no significant difference. It was found that ‘Yunyan 87' was better than ‘Xiangyan No.7' in chemical composition and coordination. To sum up, ‘Xiangyan No.7' had stronger resistance to bacterial wilt, while ‘Yunyan 87' had better chemical composition and coordination. This study clarified the different performance of two different tobacco varieties in disease resistance, agronomic traits and tobacco quality, aiming at breeding excellent resistant varieties and improving tobacco yield, and provide theoretical basis for subsequent tobacco plant planting.
Key words:
- bacterial wilt /
- disease resistance effect /
- variety test /
- quality of tobacco leaves /
- agronomic traits .
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