Analysis of Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of Tobacco Bacterial Wilt Diseased Fields and Healthy Fields in Tobacco Area of Guizhou
摘要: 为明确贵州蜜甜香型烟区烟草青枯病发病土壤与健康土壤理化性质的差异,本研究对贵州烟区土壤样本进行采集和室内理化性质检测.结果表明,贵州烟区健康土壤的pH值、有机质(SOM)、速效钾(AK)、交换性钙和交换性镁质量分数均高于发病土壤,碱解氮(SAN)(除思南外)质量分数低于发病土壤,其中,瓮安、紫云健康土壤的pH值显著高于发病土壤,天柱、桐梓、瓮安发病SAN高于健康土壤,而健康土壤的SOM(桐梓除外)、 AK、交换性钙质量分数均高于发病土壤且差异有统计学意义,有效磷(AP)、交换性镁(天柱除外)差异无统计学意义.总体而言,土壤pH值、交换性钙、 AK和SOM与烟草青枯病发生有关,其中SAN偏高、土壤偏酸、 AK、 SOM和交换性钙偏低时有利于烟草青枯病发生.Abstract: To clarify the physical and chemical properties of soils of tobacco bacterial wilt diseased fields and healthy fields in the honey-sweet aroma tobacco production region of Guizhou, the study was conducted to collect soil samples from tobacco region of Guizhou and test the physical and chemical properties in laboratory. The results showed that the pH, soil organic matter(SOM), available kalium(AK), exchangeable calcium and magnesium contents of healthy soils in the tobacco area of Guizhou were higher than those of diseased soils, and the contents of soil alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen(SAN)(except Sinan) were lower than those of diseased soils. Among them, the pH of healthy soils from Wengan and Ziyun was significantly higher than that of diseased soils, and the SAN of diseased soils from Tianzhu, Tongzi, and Wengan were higher than that of healthy soils, while the SOM(except Tongzi), AP, and exchangeable calcium contents of healthy soils were significantly higher than those of diseased soils. There were no significant differences in effective phosphorus(AP) and exchangeable magnesium(except Tianzhu) between two soils. Overall, soil pH, exchange calcium, AK and SOM were associated with the occurrence of tobacco bacterial wilt, among which high SAN, soil acidity, AK, SOM and low exchange calcium were conducive to the occurrence of tobacco bacterial wilt.
Key words:
- tobacco bacterial wilt /
- healthy soil /
- pathogenic soil /
- soil physicochemical property .
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