How do pedagogical textbooks move toward original clear source——Comment on Principles of Education: Research and Teaching
摘要: 综观国内近年来出版的众多教育学类教材,其篇章及内容都给人"似曾相识"之感。解决之道在于:从教育学的逻辑起点出发,以便于抓住教育学学科的基点;有助于框定教育学的范畴;从基本范畴出发去推导其关系,有助于厘清教育学的本质及规律。如此方能架构出有逻辑起点的、有内在学理的教育学教材体例,实现教育学类教材的正本清源。Abstract: Throughout the many pedagogical textbooks published in China in recent years, the pedagogical textbooks of "Deja vu" in these chapters and contents bring chaos.The solution lies in:Starting from the logical starting point of pedagogy, so as to grasp the basic point of the discipline of education; Deriving the basic categories of pedagogy from a logical starting point helps to frame the scope of pedagogy; Deducing the relationship from the basic category helps to clarify the relationship and laws of pedagogy.In this way, we can construct a pedagogical teaching material with a logical starting point and an internal academics, and realize the original clear source of pedagogical textbooks.
Key words:
- pedagogy /
- teaching material /
- logical starting point .
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