Innovation Logic of Balanced Allocation of Teachers in Compulsory Education from the Perspective of Big Data
摘要: 义务教育师资均衡配置是义务教育均衡发展的重要组成部分。由于层级式配置过程限制多、支撑决策的数据体系科学性部分缺失等原因,目前的师资配置存在配置政策难以精准定位、行政管理措施难以产生实效、师资供求分析难以科学化进行、精准决策的系统化数据缺乏、发展趋势的预测能力较弱等问题。究其根本,是因为新时代下的师资配置数据发生了量变与质变,即师资供求数据变成了师资供求大数据,现有配置中用来支持决策的数据体系不完善以及决策者思维有局限使得现有配置出现了困境。为突破现有困境,促进义务教育师资均衡配置,以义务教育师资均衡配置的新内涵为研究方向,以大数据研究思维和技术支持为研究基础,厘清了义务教育师资均衡配置体系中的大数据源及其数据分布脉络,构建了大数据视域下义务教育师资均衡配置的创新逻辑体系。Abstract: TThe balanced allocation of teachers in compulsory education is an important part of the balanced development of compulsory education. But the process hierarchy type configuration limits, more data to support decision making system science degree lower, the configuration of the existing configuration policy is formulated, the administrative measures is difficult to accurately weigh the pros and cons, teacher supply and demand analysis to the scientific, accurate decision-making lack of systematic data, the forecast of the development trend of ability is weak. The fundamental reason is that the data of teachers' supply and demand have changed quantitatively and qualtatively in the new era, that is, the data of teachers' supply and demand have become the big data of teachers' supply and demand. The data system and thinking process used to support decision-making in the existing configuration are limited, which makes the existing configuration difficult. To break through the existing configuration, promote the compulsory education teachers equilibrium configuration, papers in compulsory education teacher equilibrium configuration of the new connotation, the thought process and support technology in the study of data as the foundation, to clarify the equilibrium configuration system compulsory education teachers in large data sources and data distribution, construct the big data horizon, teachers' equilibrium configuration of compulsory education innovation logic.
Key words:
- Balanced allocation of teachers /
- Compulsory education /
- Big data /
- Innovation logic .
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