Analysis on the Differences between Urban and Rural Teachers' TPACK and its Causes
摘要: 整合技术的学科教学知识(TPACK)是新时代教师必备的专业知识。在教育信息化时代,城乡教师TPACK水平的差异决定了城乡教师教育教学水平的差距。缩小城乡教师TPACK水平的差距有利于缩小教育的城乡差距。分析城乡教师TPACK水平现状以及在各个维度上的差异,并将TPACK与教师学历、培训和信念进行相关性分析,通过真实数据探究城乡教师TPACK水平产生差距的主要原因,从而为缩小城乡教育差距提出合理建议。结果表明:城市教师的TPACK水平高于农村教师,城乡教师在PCK、TCK、TPK各维度上和TPACK总体水平上有显著差异;城乡教师在学历和培训方面存在显著性差异,城市教师的学历水平和参与培训情况明显优于农村教师;学历与教师的TK、PCK、TCK、TPK和TPACK存在相关关系;培训以及信念与教师的TK、TCK、TPK和TPACK存在相关关系。Abstract: TPACK is the necessary professional knowledge structure for the teachers in the new era. In the era of educational information, the TPACK gap between urban and rural teachers determines the education and teaching gap between them. Therefore narrowing the TPACK gap between urban and rural teachers is conducive to narrowing the education and teaching gap between them. This research analyzed status of urban and rural teachers' TPACK, differences between urban and rural teachers in TPACK, educational background, training and belief and the relevance between TPACK and educational background, training and belief, to explore the specific gap between urban and rural teachers in TPACK and main reasons, so as to make reasonable suggestions for narrowing the gap. The results found:Firstly, urban teachers' TPACK is higher than that of rural teachers. Among them, the urban and rural teachers have significant differences in PCK, TCK, TPK and TPACK dimensions. Secondly, there was significant difference in educational background and training. The educational background level and training participation of urban teachers are obviously superior to those of rural teachers. Thirdly, there is a correlation between educational background and teachers' TK, PCK, TCK, TPK and TPACK. There is a correlation between training and teachers' TK, TCK, TPK and TPACK. There is a correlation between belief and teachers' TK, TCK, TPK and TPACK.
Key words:
- Rural teachers /
- Urban teachers /
- Educational background /
- Training /
- Belief .
表 1 调查对象基本情况
项目 组别 人数 百分比(%) 总计 性别 男 156 38.5 405 女 249 61.5 年龄 20~28岁 64 15.8 29~40岁 154 38.1 405 41~50岁 148 36.5 50岁以上 39 9.6 学历 大专及以下 98 24.2 405 本科 279 68.9 研究生及以上 28 6.9 教龄 5年及以下 54 13.3 6~15年 126 31.1 405 16~25年 162 40.0 25年以上 63 15.6 职称 研究员 0 0 高级 95 23.5 405 一级 185 45.7 二级及以下 125 30.9 任教科目 文科(语文、英语、思品、历史、地理) 203 50.1 理科(数学、物理、化学、生物) 164 40.5 405 艺术(音乐、体育、美术、书法……) 26 6.4 其他(信息技术……) 12 3.0 学校区域 农村地区 170 42.0 405 城市地区 235 58.0 表 2 农村教师TPACK各维度水平现状
N Minimum Maximum Median Mean Std. Deviation TK 170 1 4 2.00 2.36 0.722 PK 170 2 5 3.00 3.46 0.544 CK 170 2 5 4.00 3.67 0.575 PCK 170 2 5 3.00 3.43 0.602 TCK 170 1 4 2.00 1.34 0.574 TPK 170 1 3 2.00 1.08 0.616 TPACK 170 1 4 2.00 1.67 0.610 表 3 城市教师TPACK各维度水平现状
N Minimum Maximum Median Mean Std. Deviation TK 235 1 5 3.00 2.78 0.814 PK 235 1 5 4.00 3.53 0.673 CK 235 2 5 4.00 3.80 0.644 PCK 235 1 5 4.00 3.59 0.677 TCK 235 1 5 2.00 2.64 0.816 TPK 235 1 4 3.00 2.56 0.674 TPACK 235 1 4 2.00 2.20 0.787 表 4 城乡差异对TPACK各维度影响的显著性检验
Area N Mean Std. Deviation Std.Error Mean t TK Rural 170 2.36 0.722 0.056 -0.559 Urban 235 2.78 0.814 0.053 PK Rural 170 3.46 0.544 0.042 -1.291 Urban 235 3.53 0.673 0.044 CK Rural 170 3.67 0.575 0.044 -2.033 Urban 235 3.80 0.644 0.042 PCK Rural 170 3.43 0.602 0.049 -2.486* Urban 235 3.59 0.677 0.044 TCK Rural 170 1.34 0.574 0.044 -4.254* Urban 235 2.64 0.816 0.053 TPK Rural 170 1.08 0.616 0.047 -7.497*** Urban 235 2.56 0.674 0.044 TPACK Rural 170 1.67 0.610 0.047 -7.569*** Urban 235 2.20 0.787 0.051 注:*表示在.05水平(双侧)上有显著相关关系;***表示在.005水平(双侧)上有显著相关关系。 表 5 城乡教师在学历、培训和信念方面的差异比较
教师 学历 培训 信念 合计 大专及以下 本科 研究生及以上 有 没有 有 没有 农村教师 96 70 4 56 114 148 22 170 56.5 41.2 2.4 32.9 67.1 87.1 12.9 100 城市教师 2 209 24 184 51 213 22 235 0.9 88.9 10.2 78.3 21.7 90.6 9.4 100 相关性渐进Sig.(双侧) 0.000 0.000 0.253 表 6 城乡教师TPACK水平与学历、培训和信念的相关性分析
学历 培训 信念 TK Pearson .100* -.263** -.202** Sig. .044 .000 .000 PK Pearson .038 -.058 .055 Sig. .440 .246 .266 CK Pearson .047 -.009 -.046 Sig. .348 0.849 .359 PCK Pearson .168** -.035 -.088 Sig. .001 .487 .077 TCK Pearson .240** -.347** -.234** Sig. .000 .000 .000 TPK Pearson .152** -.307** -.214** Sig. .002 .000 .000 TPACK Pearson .275** -.363** -.226** Sig. .000 .000 .000 注:*表示在.05水平(双侧)上有显著相关关系;**表示在.01水平(双侧)上有显著相关关系。 -
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