Reality and Way of Development for the Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Ethnic Minority Poverty Areas——An Investigation of Yunnan Ning'er Hani and Yi Autonomous County
摘要: 在国家教师政策红利的推动下,少数民族贫困地区中小学师资力量有所加强,教师待遇也有所改善,但教师发展存在的问题仍然较为突出。通过对云南省宁洱哈尼族彝族自治县中小学教师的深入调研发现,少数民族贫困地区教师发展意识和动力不强,教师专业发展能力偏弱和后劲不足,教师发展激励机制不健全,尊师重教氛围较为淡薄。为促进少数民族贫困地区中小学教师发展,需要重建教师职业信念,激发教师专业发展内生动力;需要重构教师学习能力,促进教师专业水平持续提升;需要不断完善教师管理机制,引导教师有序发展;需要加强育人文化建设,营造尊师重教、潜心育人的良好氛围。Abstract: China's national policy has brought about the strengthening of teachers and improvement of teachers' well-fare in the primary and secondary schools in ethnic poverty areas. However, the development of teachers in these areas is still far from satisfactory. Primary and secondary school teachers in Yunnan Ning'er Hani and Yi Autonomous County were targeted in our investigation and deep interview. The investigation has the following findings. First, the teacher's willingness and potential to improve professional competence are inadequate. Second, system and mechanism to guarantee their development are insufficient. Third, teachers and teaching as a profession fail to receive due respect. In order to improve the development quality of primary and secondary school teachers in ethnic poor areas, the following suggestions are given. First, the goal of teachers' professional development should be reset and their endogenous motivation of development needs to be cultivated. Second, teachers' learning abilities are supposed to be reformed with the aim to consistently elevate their professional competence. Third, the management system of teachers ought to be refined so as to guarantee teacher development. Fourth, a cultural environment of respecting teachers and teaching as a profession should be constructed for the purpose of helping them whole-heartedly devote their efforts to the cause of education.
表 1 云南省宁洱哈尼族彝族自治县中小学教师基本情况统计
专任教师数(人) 生师比 45岁以上专任教师数(人) 45岁以上专任教师比例(%) 教师学历占比(%) 高中 162 11.9:1 68 42.00 本科:92.60
其他:6.20初中 540 9.8:1 226 41.80 本科:83.00
其他:17小学 1137 9.7:1 436 38.30 本科:29.70
其他:7.00数据来源:云南省宁洱哈尼族彝族自治县2017年教育统计数据 -
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