Goal Orientation and Model Innovation of Pedagogical Undergraduate Talent Cultivation in the Context of New Liberal Arts Construction
摘要: 新文科建设为我国高校哲学社会科学引入了新的发展理念,同时也冲击着旧有学科体系下的人才培养模式。教育学作为哲学社会科学的一个重要门类,在专业导向、人才定位、教学观念等方面长期存在着一些顽疾。面对新文科建设带来的种种挑战,教育学需要及时对本科人才培养的目标进行重新定位,以培养具备多维素养的新型教师、新型教育行业从业者以及立足本土的跨学科教育研究者为目标,同时通过推动专业布局融合创新、坚持各级高校分层分类培养、着重打造教育学专业学生的核心竞争力等措施对具体的人才培养模式进行创新。Abstract: The construction of new liberal arts has brought a new development concept to the philosophy and social science of China's universities, and at the same time it has also impacted the talent training model under the old discipline system. As an important category of philosophy and social science, pedagogy has some persistent problems in professional orientation, talent positioning, and teaching concepts. Facing the various challenges brought by the construction of new liberal arts, pedagogy needs to reposition its own undergraduate talent training goals in a timely manner, with the goal of cultivating new-type literacy teachers, new-type education industry practitioners, and local interdisciplinary education researchers. At the same time, pedagogy should innovate specific talent training modes through measures such as promoting the integration and innovation of professional layouts, adhering to the classification training of talents by universities at all levels, and focusing on building the core competitiveness of pedagogical students.
Key words:
- new liberal arts /
- pedagogy /
- talent training /
- target positioning /
- model innovation .
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