教师教育者(teacher educator)对促进师范生和一线教师的专业学习和专业发展具有重要作用[1]。教师教育者的专业素质决定了教师队伍的质量和水平,也因此影响中小学校和幼儿园教育的有效性[2]。近年来,各国政府和组织机构对教师教育者的关注度呈上升趋势。美国教育研究协会(American Educational Research Association)“教学和教师教育”(Teaching & Teacher Education)分会所关注的主要对象之一便是教师教育者。该分会近年来的核心研究议题包括“教师和教师教育者的生活:日常经验、身份、社会化和发展”“教师教育者的学习和实践”等内容[3]。欧盟也意识到教师教育者对提升教育质量的重要性,认为教师教育者是培养高质量教师的关键因素,提出成员国要明确告知教师教育者应该知道什么、能够做什么,并且采取激励措施和支持性政策来促进教师教育者的专业发展[4]。我国颁布的《中共中央国务院关于全面深化新时代教师队伍建设改革的意见》中明确指出,要“强化教师教育师资队伍建设,在专业发展、职称晋升和岗位聘用等方面予以倾斜支持”[5]。与此同时,有关教师教育者专业身份建构问题日益成为各国学者的讨论热点。有学者认为,专业身份建构处于教师教育者“成为(becoming)教师教育者”过程的中心地位,对教师教育者的实践有重要影响[6]。然而,目前学界对教师教育者专业身份建构的研究仍不充分[7]。
The Identity of Academic Teacher Educators to Construct
摘要: 学术型教师教育者是指在取得最高学历后直接进入高等院校从事教师培养以及开展教师教育研究工作的教师, 他们往往缺乏学科背景或基础教育工作的直接经验, 却要承担起具有很强学科性与实践性的教师教育工作。我国学术型教师教育者在专业身份建构中面临着专业合法性危机、迟缓而漫长的建构过程、缺乏建构的外部动力等挑战。结合国内外已有的相关研究, 提出我国学术型教师教育者建构专业身份的三条路径: 一是走进、理解并积极影响中小学校和幼儿园实践; 二是践行基于实践与反思的进阶式终身学习; 三是建立专业共同体, 创造向他人学习和与他人共同学习的机会。Abstract: Academic teacher educators refer to the ones who go on to prepare teachers and do researches on teacher education right after they graduate from their highest-degree education. They usually lack the preparation in subject areas or K-12 teaching experiences, but their work is highly subject-specific and practice-oriented. Chinese academic teacher educators face a variety of challenges in constructing professional identity, including facing the crisis of justifying their professional legitimacy of being a teacher educator, experiencing a slow and long process of identity construction, and receiving limited external force/support to construct a professional identity of teacher educator. Based on our synthesis of the existent studies in China and other countries, we suggest three strategies that would be helpful to Chinese academic teacher educators' construction of their professional identity. These include: 1) engaging with, understanding and positively influencing the practice of K-12 school teachers; 2) enacting reflective, progressive, and lifelong learning in practice; 3) learning from and with others in professional communities.
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