自20世纪六七十年代以来,由综合性大学和多科性学院负责中小学教师的职前培养渐成趋势,美国开启了大学本位教师教育的模式。资料显示,1960年,美国共有1 319所中小学教师培养机构,其中大学及多科性学院1 003所;1970年,美国承担培养中小学教师的大学已增至1 246所,两年制学院则只剩下36所[1]。国内外有关美国大学本位教师教育的研究成果较为丰富,研究视角和研究方法逐渐从单一趋向多元,研究大多涉及教师教育机构转型和教师专业发展等热点问题,既注重对教师教育发展历史的探寻,也关注对最新实践动向的追踪。近年来的研究主要呈现出两个特点:其一是教师教育专业化发展与去专业化改革之间的张力问题成为研究焦点,通常更倾向以实证案例论证培养方式的成效,承认不同培养模式各有利弊,不再把精力放在大学本位教师培养与解制性替代性项目的高下之争上①;其二是许多研究已经注意到美国大学本位教师教育面临诸多发展难题,并提出化解教师教育危机的措施和建议①。本研究拟从当代美国教师教育发展的历史与现实出发,剖析大学本位教师教育式微的成因,客观分析未来美国教师教育模式的变革之基。
① 参见:LISTON D P.Reconsidering university-based teacher education[M]//FLINDERS D J,UHRMACHER P B,MOROYE C M.Curriculum and teaching dialogue:Vol.14,Numbers 1 & 2.Charlotte:Information Age Publishing,Inc.,2012:15-29.DARLING-HAMMOND L.Teacher education and the American future[J].Journal of Teacher Education,2010,61(1-2):35-47.KOSNIK C,MENNA L,DHARAMSHI P.Displaced academics:intended and unintended consequences of the changing landscape of teacher education[J]. European Journal of Teacher Education,2022,45(1):127-149.
① 参见:WEINER L.A lethal threat to US teacher education[J].Journal of Teacher Education,2007,58(4):274-286.LEVINE A.Teacher education must respond to changes in America[J].Phi Delta Kappan,2010,92(2):19-24.张济洲.美国“大学本位”教师教育危机及其改革走向[J].课程·教材·教法,2011(9):94-98.倪娜,洪明.大学本位教师培养选择性路径的兴衰得失——美国科罗拉多州立大学“承诺计划”剖析[J].教育与教学研究,2009(3):1-4,8.
An Analysis of the Difficulties and Transformation of American University-Based Teacher Education
摘要: 20世纪末以来, 美国大学本位教师教育在改革与解制的呼声中日渐式微, 一方面存在课程设置结构单一、入学人数下降、经费支持不确定性增加等内因困扰, 另一方面更面临选择性认证项目等外在冲击。教育学院与大学构建的隶属关系尚未形成化解教师教育发展困境的机制, 难以满足美国社会发展的需求。针对美国大学本位教师教育式微之表征, 管窥教师教育困境之根源, 探寻大学本位教师教育变革之基点, 认为大学本位教师教育应从自身出发, 重新调整师范性与学术性的关系; 加强与利益相关方的伙伴关联, 主动回应教师就业市场质量和数量的双重需求; 完善教师教育项目, 确立自身发展优势。要从教师教育整体出发, 打破教师培养形式和机构类型的二分法, 使其成为各种有益发展要素的集合地。Abstract: Since the end of the 20th century, American university-based teacher education has been declining in the circumstances of reform and deregulation, facing difficulties such as plain curriculum structure, decline in students enrollment, increasing uncertainty of financial support and competition from the alternative teacher certification programs. Due to a lack of the system for resolving the dilemma of teacher education development, hence it is difficult to meet the American social development demands on a basis of subordinate relationship between colleges of education and universities. By discussing the "surface characteristics" of the decline of American university-based teacher education, this article probes into the "fundamental causes" of the declining status of teacher education, and comprehensively explores the basic principles of the transformation of university-based teacher education in the U.S.. Taking education itself into consideration, American university-based teacher education should readjust the relationship between normal quality and academic quality, strengthen the partnership with stakeholders, actively respond to the dual needs of quality and quantity in the teacher employment market, improve some teacher education programs and establish its own development advantages. As for teacher education per se, people should also take the initiative to break the dichotomy between teacher preparation models and institutional categories so as to make a great cause with a collection of various beneficial development elements.
Key words:
- university-based teacher education /
- declining status, deregulation /
- transformation /
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