The Dilemma and Optimization Strategies of the Professional Development of Rural Young Teachers from the Perspective of Person-Organization Fit Theory
摘要: 乡村青年教师是乡村教育可持续发展的后备力量,是保障乡村教育公平、提高乡村教育质量的关键。以人与组织匹配理论为支撑,通过对乡村青年教师进行追踪调查,全面了解了乡村青年教师的职业发展现状。从目标与价值观一致性匹配、需求与供给匹配和要求与能力匹配3个维度进行分析,发现乡村青年教师职业发展存在如下状况:教师的目标和价值观与学校的发展要求和理念虽有差异但大致匹配; 教师的职业发展需求与学校的职业供给不对称; 教师的专业能力基本能满足学校的教育教学要求。要实现人与组织匹配,学校和教师应在各方面实现高度契合。校长和青年教师作为两方主体,政策在二者之间起着桥梁作用。基于此,从校长、青年教师和政策3个角度提出优化乡村青年教师职业发展的策略:增强校长领导能力,营造和谐进取的育人氛围; 提升教师专业能力,确保青年教师安心从教; 落实教师发展政策,保障乡村教师队伍稳定。Abstract: Rural young teachers are the reserve force for the sustainable development of rural education, and the key to ensure the fairness of rural education and improve the quality of rural education. Based on the person-organization fit theory, through a follow-up survey of a rural young teacher, we have a comprehensive understanding of the current situation of rural young teachers' career development. From the three dimensions of consistency matching, demand and supply matching and requirement and ability matching, it is found that there are some difficulties in the professional development of rural young teachers, such as the roughly matching of teachers' goals and values with schools, the asymmetry between teachers' professional development needs and schools' professional supply, and teachers' professional ability basically meets the educational and teaching requirements of schools. To match people and organizations, schools and teachers must be able to achieve a high degree of fits in all aspects. Principals and young teachers are two main bodies, and policies play a bridge role between them. Based on this, this paper puts forward strategies to optimize the professional development of rural young teachers from the perspectives of principals, young teachers and policies: strengthening the leadership of principals and improving the organizational atmosphere of rural schools; improving teachers' professional ability and ensure young teachers to teach at ease; implementing teacher development policies to ensure the stability of rural teachers.
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