The Impact of Embodied Learning on Learning Effects: A Meta-analysis of 31 Experimental or Quasi-experimental Studies in International Journals
具身学习注重学习过程中身体的参与和身体与环境的交互, 对于教与学过程具有重要指导意义。但从国内外开展的具身学习实验或准实验研究来看, 结果却不尽相同。基于此, 采用元分析的方法, 对2015—2021年国际期刊发表的31项关于具身学习效果的实验或准实验研究成果进行系统综述。结果表明: 研究样本的合并效应值为0.688, 说明具身学习对学习效果具有中等偏上程度的积极影响。具体而言, 具身学习对幼儿阶段学习者的正向影响最大; 具身学习对语言人文类学科的正向促进作用最大; 具身学习周期在10周以上效果更好; 50人以下规模学习者的具身学习效果更好; 手势动作交互技术支持的具身学习效果最好; 全身参与运动且能够在场景中移动与沉浸的沉浸具身学习效果最好。据此提出以下建议: 设计科学、系统的具身学习, 持续优化技术赋能的学习支持, 推进具身交互的社会参与。
Abstract:Embodied learning emphasizes the participation of physical activities in the learning process and the interaction between the body and the environment. It has important significance for the process of teaching and learning. However, in the experimental or quasi-experimental research on embodied learning at home and abroad which the results are not the same. Based on this, the study uses meta-analysis to systematically review 31 experimental or quasi-experimental studies on embodied learning effects published in international journals from 2015 to 2021. The results show that: The combined effect size of the sample in this study is 0.688, indicating that embodied learning has a positive effect on the learning effect; embodied learning has a positive effect on early childhood learners that the degree of influence is the greatest; embodied learning has the greatest positive effect on language and humanities subjects; embodied learning period of more than 10 weeks is more effective; the embodied learning effect is better for learners with a size of less than 50;the immersive embodied effect is best if the gesture interaction technology supports; the immersive embodied learningeffect is best if the whole body participates in sports and can move and immerse in the scene. Finally, based on the results of the research, suggestions were put forward for the scientific and systematic design of embodied learning that integrates moderating variables, optimizing technology-enabled support to achieve natural embodied learning, and promotion of embodied interaction social participation.
Key words:
- embodied learning /
- learning effect /
- meta-analysis /
- moderating effect /
- embodied interaction .
表 1 元分析合并效应值
效应模型 合并
效应值95%置信区间 双尾检验 下限 上限 Z值 p值 固定效应模型(FEM) 0.580 0.480 0.680 11.359 0.000 随机效应模型(REM) 0.688 0.486 0.891 6.660 0.000 表 2 不同学段的具身学习效果差异
学段 样本 效应值 95%置信区间 双尾检验 异质性I2值 组间效应量 下限 上限 Z值 p值 幼儿 5 1.298 0.522 2.073 3.280 0.001 86.428 Q=4.462
p=0.216小学 9 0.679 0.307 1.050 3.582 0.000 68.179 中学 3 0.743 0.108 1.379 2.293 0.022 75.442 大学及以上 14 0.480 0.244 0.716 3.988 0.000 61. 660 表 3 不同学科内容的具身学习效果差异
学科内容 样本 效应值 95%置信区间 双尾检验 异质性I2值 组间效应量 下限 上限 Z值 p值 数理科学类 15 0.627 0.319 0.934 3.997 0.000 77.024 Q=2.697
p=0.260语言人文类 11 0.871 0.553 1.188 5.374 0.000 68.541 其他 5 0.440 0.009 0.870 2.001 0.045 64.105 表 4 不同学习周期的具身学习效果差异
学习周期 样本 效应值 95%置信区间 双尾检验 异质性I2值 组间效应量 下限 上限 Z值 p值 1次课 17 0.461 0.273 0.649 4.812 0.000 52.206 Q=8.914
p=0.0121~10周 12 0.955 0.509 1.401 4.199 0.000 82.187 10周以上 2 1.015 0.628 1.402 5.138 0.000 0 表 5 不同学习者人数的具身学习效果差异
学习者人数 样本 效应值 95%置信区间 双尾检验 异质性I2值 组间效应量 下限 上限 Z值 p值 小规模 16 0.783 0.441 1.124 4.492 0.000 73.719 Q=12.301
p=0.002中等规模 12 0.739 0.441 1.037 4.864 0.000 74. 496 大规模 3 0.198 -0.021 0.416 1.769 0.077 0 表 6 不同技术支持的具身学习效果差异
技术支持 样本 效应值 95%置信区间 双尾检验 异质性I2值 组间效应量 下限 上限 Z值 p值 全身交互技术 8 0.253 -0.013 0.519 1.867 0.062 54.954 Q=11.009
p=0.004手势动作交互技术 12 0.863 0.517 1.209 4.889 0.000 74.405 无技术 11 0.858 0.522 1.195 5.002 0.000 69.783 表 7 不同具身类型的具身学习效果差异
具身类型 样本 效应值 95%置信区间 双尾检验 异质性I2值 组间效应量 下限 上限 Z值 p值 弱具身 13 0.724 0.430 1.018 4.831 0.000 70.546 Q=2.311
p=0.315强具身 11 0.494 0.201 0.786 3.304 0.001 63.877 沉浸具身 7 0.947 0.357 1.536 3.148 0.002 86.339 -
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