Performance Evaluation of the Fiscal and Financial Services for New Agricultural Business Entities in China
摘要: 培育新型农业经营主体是传统农业向现代农业转型的基础。由于农业属于弱势产业,具有显著的效益溢出性,加之在培育初期,新型农业经营主体抵御风险能力较弱,因而培育新型农业经营主体,离不开财政金融服务支持,而提高财政金融服务绩效,对提高新型农业经营主体培育进度和质量意义重大。本文首先考察了我国新型农业经营主体培育及其财政金融服务的理论关联与现实状况,然后运用因子分析法对我国新型农业经营主体培育的财政金融服务绩效进行了评价,最后提出了提升新型农业经营主体财政金融服务绩效的对策建议。Abstract: Thecultivation of new agricultural business entities is the cornerstone to promote agricultural modernization. The agricultural industry with significant spillover benefits is vulnerable, and the early new agricultural business entities have weak ability to withstand risks, so the cultivation of new agricultural business entities needs the support of fiscal and financial services, and then improving the performance of fiscal and financial services for new agricultural business entities is significant. This paper examines the theoretical relationship between the cultivation of new agricultural business entities and fiscal and financial services, and their status, and then evaluates performance of fiscal and financial services for new agricultural business entities. Finally, it puts forward the corresponding suggestions.
表 1 KMO和Bartlett的检验
取样足够度的Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin度量。 0.65 Bartlett的球形度检验 近似卡方 44.68 df 15 Sig. 0.000 表 2 各因子特征根及方差贡献
公共因子 旋转前 旋转后 特征根 方差贡献率% 累积方差贡献率% 特征根 方差贡献率% 累积方差贡献率% F1 2.9328 0.4888 48.88 2.760 46.00 46.00 F2 1.6281 0.2714 76.02 1.537 25.61 71.61 F3 0.9272 0.1545 91.47 1.191 19.86 91.47 表 3 旋转前后因子的载荷矩阵
变量 旋转前 旋转后 F1 F2 F3 F1 F2 F3 财政收入水平 0.9566 0.2509 -0.0849 0.98133 -0.04379 -0.14232 财政支农力度 0.8442 0.4129 0.2213 0.93891 -0.05022 0.21931 金融支农力度 -0.2991 0.5700 0.7312 -0.06341 0.13715 0.96237 新型主体数量 0.9744 0.1142 -0.1166 0.94788 -0.13882 -0.24158 粮食产量增长率 -0.3147 0.6755 -0.5535 -0.05335 0.92497 -0.05789 农业收入增长率 -0.4087 0.7748 -0.1286 -0.10024 0.79915 0.36780 表 4 因子得分及排名
年份 F1 F2 F3 F 排名 2006 -1.71193 -0.3345 -0.56800 -1.07789 10 2007 -1.16715 -0.3913 0.07535 -0.68015 9 2008 -0.79610 1.5645 -0.99164 -0.17757 7 2009 -0.46967 -1.6711 0.32178 -0.63424 8 2010 0.05194 0.2125 1.94055 0.50691 3 2011 0.36778 1.6098 0.27771 0.69600 1 2012 0.61703 0.3772 0.40231 0.50327 4 2013 0.85192 -0.2907 0.86638 0.53513 2 2014 0.95051 -0.6998 -0.90930 0.08464 6 2015 1.30566 -0.3766 -1.41516 0.24392 5 -
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