Realization and Restraint Mechanism of the Executive Pay in the State Owned Enterprises
摘要: 国有企业所有者虚位导致了经营者约束的软化,加上国企高管与所有者利益的不一致引发了国有企业的公司治理问题,缺乏有效监督情况下的高管权力扩大引致了国企高管的超额薪酬问题。本文以国企总经理为研究对象,选取了五十家国企上市公司作为研究样本,对国企高管超额薪酬实现路径进行了实证研究,发现国企总经理领取了超过民企总经理的超额薪酬,并且国企高管超额薪酬的实现路径受到任职时间、政府投资力度、总经理股权、是否有政治关联、是否在其他公司任职等因素的影响。结合研究结论,本文从完善国有企业的治理结构和机制两个角度提出了约束对策。Abstract: The absence of owner in the state-owned enterprise has caused the softening of the operator′s restraint. The inconsistency of interests between the top managers and the ownersin the state-owned enterprises has caused the problem of corporate governance. The lack of supervision over the expansion of executive power has led to the problem ofexecutive pay in the state-owned enterprise. Taking the state-owned enterprise as the research object, we select the fifty state-owned enterprises as the research sample and make an empirical study on the executive pay realization path of the state owned enterprise executives. In this paper, a sample of fifty private listing corporation were selected to carry out comparative analysis, and we find that the general manager of the state-owned enterprises get the executive pay over the general manager of the private enterprises. We have also found that the executive pay realization pathof the state owned enterprise executives is influenced by the occupancy time, government investment, general manager of equity, political connection, whether in other companies, and other factors.
表 1 国有企业与民营企业经营状况对比(均值)
企业性质 薪酬 净资产收益率 主营业务收入增长率 规模(万元) 资产负债率 国企 70.58 5.26% 11.09% 891 565 51.47% 民企 57.83 7.16% 16.92% 509 770 42.84% 表 2 国有企业与民营企业内部治理特征对比(均值)
企业性质 董事职位数 持股比例 高学历 董事会规模 独董 任期 政治联系 是否兼职 国企 1 0.93% 0.824 9.529 3.37 4.255 0.255 0.3137 民企 0.8627 2.15% 0.588 8.549 3.02 4.588 0.078 0.216 表 3 民营企业中总经理薪酬的影响因素回归结果
变量 协同系数 标准误差 T统计量 P值 C 5.0588 15.1059 0.3348 0.7393 Roe 159.4501 61.2781 2.6020 0.0125 Size 1.38E-05 5.36E-06 2.5825 0.0131 Growth 37.8497 21.7174 1.7428 0.0882 Zone 31.0366 16.1026 1.9274 0.0603 R-squared 0.3618 F-statistic 6.3789 表 4 国企总经理获得超额薪酬组
获得超额薪酬个数 超额薪酬平均值(万元) 最低值(万元) 中位数(万元) 最高值(万元) 37 40.5 1.5 27 241.4 表 5 国企总经理未获得超额薪酬组
未获得超额薪酬个数 超额薪酬平均值(万元) 最低(万元) 中位数(万元) 最高值(万元) 13 -14.4 -49.9 -12.8 -0.64 表 6 国企总经理领取超额薪酬组与未领取超额薪酬组对比(均值)
政府投资力度 董事职位数 持股比例 董事会规模 高学历数 兼职数 任期 政治关联数 领取超额薪酬组 0.622 0.973 0.065% 9.514 0.811 0.351 4.703 0.243 未领取超额薪酬组 0.714 1.071 2.08% 9.571 0.857 0.214 3.071 0.286 -
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