Development of National Norms of Brief Psychological Suzhi Scale for Middle School Students
摘要: 心理素质是青少年的核心素质,开展心理素质研究是实施素质教育的内在要求。本研究旨在调查我国中学生心理素质的发展状况,并建立全国常模。采用《中学生心理素质量表(简化版)》,依据中华人民共和国教育部权威发布的教育统计数据进行分层抽样,获有效样本22827人。结果表明:(1)在经济带上,东部中学生的心理素质水平显著高于中、西部中学生,中部中学生的心理素质水平最低;(2)在家庭居住地上,中学生心理素质水平由高到低依次为省会城市、地州市(地级市或自治州)和县城、乡镇、农村;(3)在性别上,男女生总体心理素质水平不存在显著的差异,在分维度上,除男生认知品质的发展水平显著高于女生外,其余分维度均不存在显著的差异;(4)在年级上,初中生的心理素质水平显著高于高中生,具体为初一学生心理素质及分维度的发展水平显著高于初二与初三学生、高二学生的心理素质及分维度的发展水平显著低于高一与高三学生,初二与初三,高一与高三之间则不存在显著差异;(5)在以半岁为间隔的年龄段上,心理素质及分维度的发展总体上呈现出下降的趋势,具体表现为12~12.5岁短暂上升,12.5~13.5岁下降,13.5~14.5岁平缓,14.5~16下降,16~18.5平缓的趋势。据此制定了相应的全国常模。Abstract: Psychological suzhi is adolescents' most basic, most steady, and most central part of individual's mental structure. Carrying out research related psychological suzhi is the inherent requirement of quality education. The present study aims at establishing the national norms for Psychological Suzhi Scale for middle school students based on a representative national sample survey. According to the educational statistics released by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, stratified sampling is used to select 22827 pupils from three economic regions of China-eastern, central, and western regions. The results are as follows. First, the level of psychological suzhi and its dimensions of the middle school students in the eastern part of China is significantly higher than that of middle and western middle school students, from high to low in order. Second, students from the capital city, prefectures, town and rural areas get different scores on the psychological suzhi scores, from high to low in order. Third, there is no gender difference in psychological suzhi. Fourth, junior school students have a higher level of psychological suzhi than senior ones. Specifically, the level of psychological suzhi of 7th graders are higher than 8thgraders and 9th graders. For senior students, psychological suzhi level of 11th graders are the lowest. Fifth, in general, the level of psychological suzhi decreases with age. The level of psychological suzhi declines among students aged 12.5-14 and 15-16.5, whereas there is no significant difference among 14-15 and 16.5-18.5 years old students. Based on these findings, we establish the national norms for brief psychological suzhi scale for middle school students.
表 1 中学生心理素质的总体常模
n M SD 95%CI 峰度 偏度 认知品质 22 827 27.41 5.70 27.33~27.48 0.27 -0.30 个性品质 22 827 27.39 5.47 27.31~27.46 0.13 -0.19 适应性(能力) 22 827 29.16 5.22 29.09~29.23 0.64 -0.45 心理素质 22 827 83.95 14.61 83.76~84.14 0.63 -0.25 表 2 中学生心理素质在各人口学变量上的差异检验
因素 经济带 家庭所在地 性别 年级 年龄段(半岁) SS df F SS df F df t SS df F SS df F 认知品质 6 171 2 94.94*** 14 957 2 117.1*** 1 3.01** 16 067 5 101.15*** 17 019 12 45.12*** 个性品质 6 723 2 112.70*** 7 772 2 65.6*** 1 1.52 19 431 5 134.11*** 16 542 12 47.43*** 适应性(能力) 5 001 2 91.90*** 12 281 2 114.9*** 1 0.41 9 538 5 71.30*** 8 649 12 26.97*** 心理素质 53 410 2 125.54*** 101 715 2 121.8*** 1 1.89 131 294 5 126.93*** 122 983 12 49.68*** 注:*p<0.05,**p<0.01,***p<0.001。 表 3 中学生心理素质的全国常模(n=22 827)
常模类别 n 百分比 认知品质 个性品质 适应性(能力) 心理素质 经济带常模 东部 7 408 32.50% 28.13±6.00 28.15±5.82 29.80±5.62 86.09±15.95 中部 7 076 31.00% 26.89±5.71 26.87±5.39 28.66±5.07 82.42±14.19 西部 8 343 36.50% 27.20±5.36 27.14±5.13 29.00±4.92 83.35±13.44 家庭居住地常模 省会城市 3 945 18.70% 28.62±5.91 28.46±5.86 30.27±5.71 87.35±15.97 地州市 2 144 10.10% 28.06±5.83 27.57±5.73 29.59±5.43 85.22±15.23 县城 5 075 24.00% 27.70±5.67 27.50±5.39 29.50±5.06 84.70±14.22 乡镇 3 336 15.80% 27.17±5.42 27.06±5.24 28.89±4.83 83.11±13.59 农村 6 625 31.40% 26.33±5.53 26.74±5.23 28.19±5.00 81.27±13.82 性别常模 男生 10 307 47.60% 27.56±5.85 27.45±5.49 29.18±5.33 84.19±14.84 女生 11 333 52.40% 27.33±5.54 27.34±5.44 29.15±5.11 83.82±14.34 年级常模 初一 3 933 17.20% 28.75±5.87 28.84±5.68 30.12±5.41 87.72±15.27 初二 3 825 16.80% 27.84±5.99 27.97±5.56 29.49±5.37 85.29±15.21 初三 3 773 16.50% 27.87±5.90 27.87±5.51 29.57±5.29 85.30±15.00 高一 4 346 19.00% 26.85±5.40 26.66±5.32 28.91±5.17 82.41±13.96 高二 3 636 15.90% 26.28±5.34 26.23±5.06 28.21±4.85 80.73±13.25 高三 3 314 14.50% 26.74±5.27 26.66±5.14 28.54±4.92 81.93±13.49 年龄段常模 12~12.5岁 1 011 4.90% 28.73±5.75 28.62±5.72 30.26±5.37 87.61±15.09 12.5~13岁 1 329 6.40% 29.33±5.82 29.24±5.66 30.49±5.40 89.05±15.26 13~13.5岁 1 584 7.70% 28.51±5.97 28.48±5.75 29.87±5.46 86.85±15.53 13.5~14岁 1 703 8.20% 27.87±5.88 27.99±5.41 29.55±5.17 85.41±14.72 14~14.5岁 1 756 8.50% 28.02±5.85 27.87±5.57 29.49±5.31 85.38±15.08 14.5~15岁 1 666 8.00% 27.95±5.84 27.87±5.51 29.43±5.39 85.26±14.98 15~15.5岁 1 961 9.50% 27.47±5.60 27.39±5.43 29.17±5.13 84.03±14.41 15.5~16岁 1 998 9.60% 26.89±5.60 26.82±5.39 28.98±5.15 82.68±14.16 16~16.5岁 2 197 10.60% 26.44±5.45 26.37±5.21 28.54±5.25 81.34±13.91 16.5~17岁 1 630 7.90% 26.38±5.43 26.38±5.25 28.29±4.97 81.04±13.72 17~17.5岁 1 719 8.30% 26.60±5.14 26.51±4.95 28.55±4.72 81.65±12.91 17.5~18岁 1 172 5.70% 26.62±5.48 26.44±5.26 28.41±5.09 81.47±13.87 18~18.5岁 979 4.70% 26.57±4.98 26.93±4.89 28.64±4.74 82.14±12.77 -
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