The Origin, Development and Global Practice of Green Finance: A Literature Review
Abstract:Resource and environmental issues have posed serious threats on global economic developmentand human well-being.Green finance is a new approach to environmental management and repre-sents a new feature, a new trend and a new direction for the future development of the financial in-dustry.It is an important innovation and reform in finance, aiming at better serving the economy andpromoting a sound and rapid economic development. From the perspective of historical comparison, this paper reviews the representative research related to green finance, examines the conceptual con-notation, theoretical basis, and evaluation system of green finance, and forecasts the prospect ofgreen fiancé research. The study finds that green finance originated in the increasing public aware-ness of environmental protection, which then pushes the economic and financial sectors to pay clos-er attention to the financial issues.The connotation of green finance is expanding from a single levelof green finance instruments to a level of financial ecosystem, which in a broader sense supports thesustainable development and improves resource utilization rate and supports the transformation andupgrading of industrial structure. The practice of green finance evaluation has changed from a spe-cific green financial product to the overall development of green finance, from the macro indicatorssuch as financial market index to the micro economic indicators of banking efficiency, from a region-al comparison to the exploration of the development of the whole industry and even the whole coun-try. The global practice of green finance shows the significant difference in green finance develop-ment mode, the lag in the system of green finance and the slow pace in the development of globalcooperation networks.
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