The Basic Positioning, Fundamental Basis and Promotion Strategy of the Superiority of China's Education System
Abstract:China takes the realization of education modernization as the direction of its education systemand the buildilg of an education powerhouse as its mission, forming a complete system and exertingthe strengths of the strong and excellent system. Improving the strengths of the education system isan imperative requirement for increasing the eficiency of the education system, building China intoan education powerhouse, and realizing the modernization of education. The strengths of China's education system aregradually developed after the inheritance of the traditional education system, the reform of the modern education system and the exploration of the education system under theleadership of the Communist Party of China, The strengths of the China's education system take thepromotion of education modernization as its historical clue, the building of an education powerhouseas its practical theme, and the improvement of governance capabilities as its key element, In thenew era, it is necessary to perfect the theoretical system of China 's education system, build an education system with Chinese characteristics, create an environment conducive to the operation of theeducation system, and assimilate the achievements of other excellent systems.
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