A Study on the Construction Logic and Practical Enlightenment of Labor Education in Colleges and Universities of the Communist Party of China in Yan'an period
摘要: 延安时期,中国共产党从自身阶级立场与宗旨出发,以马克思关于人的全面发展学说为指导,立足传统文化思想和战时国情在高校开展了独具特色的劳动教育,这是党实施劳动教育的重要起点。在理论构建上,党既面向未来着力人的自我发展和解放,同时也立足实际制定了促进劳动教育实施的相关方针,并将“学与用一致”作为指导思想; 在行动层面,党在劳动教育组织、教育计划、教育形式以及大学文化等多个维度开展了创新实践。观其成效,不仅克服了解放区的物资困境,同时更为抗战建国培养了大量实干型革命先锋,扭转了青年知识分子的劳动价值观,强化了与劳动人民的情感。延安时期党的劳动教育经验启示当下高校,要将劳动教育置于真实的劳动实践中,要与国家需求深度融合,要善用榜样力量引导,同时要将劳动精神的塑造作为首要任务。Abstract: InYan'anperiod, from its own position and purpose, the party developed unique labor education in universities and colleges based on traditional culture and the situations of our country under the guidance of the Marxist theory about the full development of human, which is the important starting point of the party's practices of labor education. When it comes to the theoretical construction, the party emphasized human being's self-development and emancipation in the future, formulated corresponding policies to propel the development of labor education, and made the concept of integrating study with practice the guiding thought.In practice, the party carried out innovative activities in many dimensions, such as the labor education organization, the plan and the form of labor education and the university culture.As for the results, the problem of material predicament in liberated areas was addressed under the guidance of the party's theories and practical experience. In the meantime, the party trained a large number of practical revolutionary pioneers during the War of Resistance against the Japanese Invasion.The labor value of young intellectuals was changed and the emotions between the party and laboring people were finally intensified.Experience that the party had gained in Yan'an period enlightens present colleges and universities on labor education. Colleges and universities should develop labour education by real labor practice.And they should integrate it with national demands, make good use of good examples to encourage other students and take the shaping of labor spirits as the primary task.
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