Oral Tradition Theory and Homer Studies
摘要: 近代以前,荷马研究是在语文学视角下进行的,语文学考证必须面对的一个问题是研究者无法超越文本本身,只能通过作品保留的信息来还原创作的过程。与人类学密切相关的“口头传统”理论弥补了荷马研究中单一的语文学考证的不足,将史诗创作放置于文字产生以前的历史背景下,还原了史诗的表演现场,为寻找“真实的荷马”开辟了新的研究路径。“口头传统”作为一种创作的形式所反映的是希腊社会早期的历史和文化。Abstract: From the mid eighteenth century onwards, scholars tend to interpret the so called "Homeric Question" from the perspective of philology, with a focus on the written texts of the epics. The oral tradition theory explores the "historical" Homer in the context of oral composition. It places the epic creation in the historical background before the creation of the text, restores the epic performance scene, and finds a new approach to"real Homer". The oral tradition theory sheds new light on the history and culture of early Greece and also shows a promising future of the multi disciplinary trend in current historical studies.
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