基于 Hedonic 模型的城市轨道沿线房价特征分析
- 特征价格模型 /
- 房价 /
- 轨道交通 /
- 重庆
摘要: 基于重庆市轨道3号线沿线2.5 km 缓冲区1089个住宅小区数据,运用 Hedonic 模型揭示房价的影响因素及其空间分异.Moran’s I 结果发现,3号线周边房价呈现空间高—高与低—低集聚特征,说明存在显著的空间自相关.Hedonic 模型结果表明,容积率、绿化率、是否为新房、周边房价高低、公交站点个数以及环境情况对房价具有显著的正面影响;住宅年龄与距区级商业中心的距离等因素则对房价有负面影响;商服设施及教育设施对房价的影响无统计学意义.轨道交通对住宅的郊区化具有明显的引导作用,郊区沿线房产增值效应明显高于中心区域.
Exploring Housing Prices around City Metro Line Based on Hedonic Model
- 特征价格模型 /
- 房价 /
- 轨道交通 /
- 重庆
Abstract: This paper used hedonic method to reveal the characteristics and determinants of housing prices , based on data collected from 1 089 housing projects within 2.5 km of No.3 metro line in Chongqing .Re‐sults showed that :According to Moran’s I index ,housing prices exhibited concentration of high‐high and low‐low values around No.3 metro line ,indicating the spatial autocorrelation .Some factors can lead to the increase of housing prices ,including the FAR ,greenery ,dummy variable of new housing ,surrounding housing prices ,distance to the central city ,number of bus stations ,and environmental amenity .But other factors can reduce housing prices ,such as the building age and distance to the central city .In addition ,the factors of surrounding business facilities and education facilities have no significant effect on housing prices . No.3 metro line has promoted the development of suburban residential development .And the increment of housing prices in the suburban areas are higher than that of prices in the central area .