由于防洪、清淤及航运等需求,三峡水库实行“蓄清排浑”的运行方式,即夏季低水位运行(145 m),冬季高水位运行(175 m),形成消涨幅度为30 m,面积达348.9 km2的水库消落带[1-2]. 1997年三峡工程实现大江截流,2003年,2006年,2008年分别蓄水至135 m,156 m和173 m.截止到2015年8月,三峡水库145~175 m高程带经经历了7次完整干湿交替周期[3],消落带植物群落演变也正趋于稳定.
A Study of the Vascular Plant Flora in the Drawdown Zones Along the Mainstream of the Yangtze River and Its Tributary, the Pengxi River, in the Fuling-Yunyang Section of the Three Gorges Reservoir
摘要: 通过对三峡水库干流和支流消落带145~180 m范围内植物群落的调查,结果表明:调查样地内共有维管植物56科129属150种,以禾本科和菊科为优势科,绝大部分是单属单种的草本植物.一年生和多年生草本植物为消落带的优势生活型,狗牙根、雀稗、苍耳等是库区消落带优势种.植物分布区系类型多样,以热带、温带成分为主,具有明显的亚热带性质.多样性指数单因素方差分析和热图结果表明,干流和支流消落带总物种数相差不大,但是物种组成存在差异,干流消落带植被均匀度明显高于支流消落带.环境条件的差异可能是引起干流和支流消落带植物群落分布格局不同的主要原因.Abstract: A preliminary investigation was made of the plant community composition and diversity patterns along the mainstream of the Yangtze River and its tributary, the Pengxi River, in the Fuling-Yunyang section of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Sampling transect lines were laid from 153~180 m above the sea level. The results are as follows. A total of 150 vascular plant species belonging to 129 genera and 56 families were identified. Gramineae and Compositae were the dominant families, and almost all the genera were represented by only one species. Annual and perennial herbs were the most abundant life form. Cynodon dactylon, Paspalum thunbergii and Xanthium strumarium were the dominant plants. Bioclimatic types of plant genera were diverse. Tropical types predominated, followed by temperate types. It revealed that the plant communities of the study area were distinctively transitional between tropical and temperate floras. The results of one-way analysis of variance (abbreviated one-way ANOVA) of the diversity indexes and heatmap demonstrated that the total number of vascular plant species in the drawdown zones of the mainstream of the Yangtze and the tributary was similar, but their community composition was different. Uniformity of vegetation in the drawdown zone of the mainstream of the Yangtze was significantly higher than that of the tributary. The difference in distribution pattern of plant species in the drawdown zones between the mainstream of the Yangtze and the tributary might be attributed to their different environmental factors.
表 1 消落带植物物种组成
科名 属数 种数 禾本科(Gramineae) 20 22 菊科(Compositae) 10 14 豆科(Leguminosae) 9 10 大戟科(Euphorbiaceae) 7 7 蔷薇科(Rosaceae) 6 9 苋科(Amaranthaceae) 5 6 莎草科(Cyperaceae),蓼科(Polygonaceae) 3 5 桑科(Moraceae),茄科(Solanaceae),伞形科(Umbelliferae),唇形科(Labiatae) 3 3 百合科(Liliaceae),杨柳科(Salicaceae),樟科(Lauraceae) 2 3 忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae),芸香科(Rutaceae),玄参科(Scrophulariaceae),鼠李科(Rhamnaceae),胡桃科(Juglandaceae),楝科(Meliaceae),马鞭草科(Verbenaceae) 2 2 石竹科(Caryophyllaceae) 1 3 五加科(Araliaceae) 1 2 旋花科(Convolvulaceae),葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae),毛茛科(Ranunculaceae),紫草科(Boraginaceae),紫树科(Nyssaceae),酢浆草科(Oxalidaceae),柏科(Cupressaceae),败酱科(Valerianaceae),报春花科(Primulaceae),车前科(Plantaginaceae),锦葵科(Malvaceae),景天科(Crassulaceae),爵床科(Acanthaceae),壳斗科(Fagaceae),柳叶菜科(Onagraceae),落葵科(Basellaceae),马齿苋科(Portulacaceae),漆树科(Anacardiaceae),桑寄生科(Loranthaceae),山茶科(Theaceae),山柑科(Opiliaceae),杉科(Taxodiaceae),商陆科(Phytolaccaceae),十字花科(Cruciferae),石蒜科(Amaryllidaceae),薯蓣科(Dioscoreaceae),无患子科(Sapindaceae),小二仙草科(Haloragaceae),荨麻科(Urticaceae),鸭跖草科(Commelinaceae),亚麻科(Linaceae),雨久花科(Pontederiaceae) 1 1 表 2 消落带植物生活型
生活型 物种数 比例/% 一年生草本 38 25.33 一年生或二年生草本 3 2.00 二年生草本 4 2.67 多年生草本 52 34.67 灌木 24 16.00 乔木 29 19.33 合计 150 100 表 3 消落带植物属的分布区类型
地理成分 占总种数比例/% 分布区类型 包含属数 占总属数比例/% 包含种数 占总种数比例/% 热带成分 42.00 2泛热带 37 28.46 39 26.00 2-2热带亚洲、非洲和南美洲间断 1 0.77 1 0.67 3热带亚洲和热带美洲间断分布 2 1.54 3 2.00 4旧世界热带 3 2.31 3 2.00 5热带亚洲至热带大洋洲 3 2.31 4 2.66 6热带亚洲至热带非洲 6 4.62 6 4.00 7热带亚洲(印度-马来西亚) 6 4.62 6 4.00 7-1爪哇、喜马拉雅和华南、西南星散 1 0.77 1 0.67 温带成分 36.00 8北温带 20 15.38 25 16.67 8-4北温带和南温带(全温带)间断 3 2.31 3 2.00 9东亚和北美洲间断 5 3.85 5 3.33 10旧世界温带 3 2.31 4 2.66 10-1地中海区、西亚和东亚间断 2 1.54 2 1.33 10-3欧亚和南非洲(有时也在大洋洲)间断 1 0.77 1 0.67 11温带亚洲分布 1 0.77 1 0.67 14东亚(东喜马拉雅-日本) 12 9.23 13 8.67 中国特有 2.00 15中国特有 3 2.31 3 2.00 表 4 干流和支流优势种及其所占比例
优势物种 干流比例/% 支流比例/% 狗牙根 31.54 30.86 雀稗 7.93 12.78 苍耳 6.56 6.18 -
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