铃铛子(Anisodus luridus)为茄科多年生宿根草本植物,藏语名为“唐冲那薄”,主要分布在西藏等海拔在2 500~4 000 m的山坡草地、林缘及田地宅旁.铃铛子根和种子可供药用,有抗痉挛和止痛作用,医药上常用其根提取莨菪碱类生物碱[1].
托品烷生物碱(tropane alkaloids,TAs)是一类来自茄科植物的生物碱,是副交感神经系统的有效抑制剂,主要药用成分为莨菪碱和东莨菪碱[2].由于托品烷生物碱的化学合成成本较高,目前其供应仍然依赖于从植物中提取.托品烷生物碱在野生茄科植物中质量分数很低,故而寻求新途径来提高托品烷生物碱的产量尤为重要.铃铛子作为托品烷生物碱的药源植物之一,其野生资源正在逐渐枯竭.目前发根培养成为研究药用植物次生代谢产物的有效手段,而关于铃铛子发根培养条件的优化尚未有报道.本研究建立了铃铛子发根的转化体系,并对最适于铃铛子发根生长和生物碱积累的培养基进行优化筛选,为获得托品烷生物碱提供了新的途径,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值.
Optimization of Induction and Culture Conditions for Hairy Roots of Anisodus luridus
摘要: 铃铛子(Anisodus luridus)是西藏特有的托品烷生物碱药源植物.利用农杆菌C58C1(pRiA4) 侵染铃铛子不同器官考察发根诱导频率,并考察了7种培养基(1/2MS,MS,1/2B5,White,WPM,B5和N6) 对发根生物量和托品烷生物碱质量分数的影响.真叶和茎段的发根诱导频率分别为53.33%和60.00%,子叶不能诱导出发根. PCR表明rolB和rolC基因已整合到发根的基因组中. B5培养基最适于铃铛子发根生物量和托品烷生物碱积累,发根鲜质量和干质量分别达到6.9±0.94 g/瓶和0.44±0.06 g/瓶;发根中莨菪碱质量分数为3.49±0.13 mg/g. B5和1/2B5培养基中发根的东莨菪碱质量分数高于其他的培养基,分别为1.37±0.06 mg/g和1.43±0.22 mg/g,二者之间差异无统计学意义.在B5培养基中发根总生物碱产量也是最高的,为2.1±0.29 mg/瓶.研究结果为利用发根规模化生产莨菪碱和东莨菪碱奠定了基础.Abstract: Anisodus luridus, belonging to the Solanaceae family, is a Tibetan endemic plant species producing pharmaceutical tropane alkaloids. In order to provide a theoretical basis for the scale production of tropane alkaloids with A. luridus hairy roots as the raw material, a study was conducted in which Agrobacterium C58C1 (pRiA4) was used to infect the cotyledon, leaf or stem of A. luridus, and its hairy root induction was recorded. High frequencies of hairy root induction were obtained from stem (60.00%) and leaf (53.33%); while cotyledon produced no hairy roots. Then, the typical hairy root line was used to screen the optimal medium for root culture growth and alkaloid production. Of the seven types of liquid media used in this study (1/2MS, MS, 1/2B5, White, WPM, B5 and N6), B5 was the best one for both biomass accumulation and TA production. The fresh weight of hairy root cultures in B5 was 6.9±0.94 g/flask (or 0.44±0.06 g/flask dry weight). Further, HPLC analysis results showed that hairy root cultures in B5 produced hyoscyamine (3.49±0.13 mg/g) at a higher level than that in other media. The highest scopolamine contents were detected in hairy root cultures in B5 and 1/2B5, which were respectively 1.37±0.06 mg/g and 1.43±0.22 mg/g. However, there was no significant difference in scopolamine contents between hairy root cultures in B5 and that in 1/2B5. Finally, it was found that hairy root cultures in B5 produced total TAs at the highest level (2.1±0.29 mg/flask).
Key words:
- Anisodus luridus /
- hairy root /
- hyoscyamine /
- scopolamine /
- culture .
表 1 不同外植体对发根诱导率的影响
外植体类型 农杆菌浸染外植体/个 出根外植体/个 诱导率/% 真叶 30 16 53.33 茎 30 18 60.00 子叶 30 0 0 表 2 不同培养基发根生物量测定(x±s,n=3)
培养基 发根鲜质量/g 发根干质量/g White 0.10±0.01 0.02±0.00 WPM 3.12±1.02 0.18±0.05 1/2B5 5.82±0.83 0.40±0.04 B5 6.90±0.94 0.44±0.06 1/2MS 1.26±0.63 0.05±0.03 MS 2.24±0.23 0.12±0.01 N6 0.26±0.05 0.02±0.01 表 3 不同培养基中铃铛子发根莨菪碱和东莨菪碱质量分数测定
培养基 莨菪碱/(mg·g-1) α=0.05 东莨菪碱/(mg·g-1) α=0.05 B5 3.49±0.13 a 1.37±0.06 a 1/2B5 2.52±0.17 b 1.43±0.22 a 1/2MS 2.34±0.06 c 1.13±0.19 b MS 2.26±0.01 c 1.20±0.01 b WPM 1.78±0.01 d 1.00±0.10 b 注:α=0.05时,相同字母表示样品间差异无统计学意义,不同字母表示样品间差异有统计学意义. -
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