半夏Pinellia ternatat (Thunb.) Breit属于天南星科半夏属,块茎可入药,具有燥湿化痰,降逆止呕,消痞散结的功效[1].但是药用植物的药用成分含量低一直是困扰人们的一大难题,而添加外源物质是解决这一问题的有效途径.外源物质包括营养元素、渗透调节物质、前体物、植物生长调节剂、诱导子、信号分子等[2],添加前体物和诱导子是目前提高有效成分常用且有效的方法[3].诱导子是一种能引起植物过敏反应的物质,其与植物相互作用时能选择性、快速、高度专一地诱导植物特定基因的表达,从而积累特定的次生代谢产物[4]. NO不仅参与植物种子萌发、叶片伸展、根系生长、器官衰老等多种代谢过程[5-9],还可诱导植物次生代谢产物的合成[10]. ASA作为水杨酸(SA)的衍生物正逐渐被人们重视.张秀省等[11]研究发现,2 mg/L ASA处理长春花植株显著提高了长春花中长春质碱、总生物碱、长春碱的含量.前体物是指某一代谢中间体前一段的物质,添加前体物质会影响植物组织和细胞生长及次生代谢产物的合成[3]. Phe,Asp作为植物代谢中重要的氨基酸常被用于提高植物次生代谢产物的合成,李琰[12]在雷公藤的培养基中添加天冬氨酸、酪氨酸、精氨酸、丝氨酸、苯丙氨酸、蛋氨酸和半胱氨酸,发现均能不同程度地促进内酯醇的合成.
Effects of Exogenous Substances on the Key Enzymes Involved in Nitrogen Metabolism in Pinellia ternate Calli and on the Accumulation of Active Components in Them
摘要: 以生长均一且旺盛的半夏愈伤组织为材料,研究外源添加物苯丙氨酸(Phe),天冬氨酸(Asp),硝普钠(SNP),乙酰水杨酸(ASA)单独或两两复合对半夏愈伤组织氮代谢关键酶及有效成分含量的影响.结果表明:单独添加外源物均可有效提高氮代谢关键酶及PAL的活性、可溶性蛋白及总生物碱的含量,SNP尤其明显;复合添加外源物时,1 mg/L ASA和150 mg/L Asp复合加入时诱导氮代谢关键酶及PAL的活性升高且具有显著性,可溶性蛋白、总生物碱、鸟苷含量显著增加. 50 mg/L Phe+1 mg/L ASA复合加入时腺苷含量比对照提高了128.6%.说明外源添加物能有效调控次生代谢过程中氮代谢相关酶的变化,从而影响半夏愈伤组织中次生代谢产物含量.Abstract: In this study, we took uniform and vigorous calli of Pinellia ternate as the experiment materials and studied the effects of exogenous substances (Phe, Asp, SNP and ASA) used alone or in combination on the key enzymes involved in N metabolism and the accumulations of active components in them. The results showed that the activities of nitrogen metabolism-involved key enzymes and the contents of soluble protein and total alkaloids in the calli were increased in all treatments, where an exogenous substance was applied, the effect of SNP being most significant. In treatments, where two exogenous substances were added into the medium, the activities of N metabolism-involved key enzymes and PAL as well as the contents of soluble protein, total alkaloids and guanosine were increased significantly after the addition of 1 mg/L ASA+150 mg/ L Asp. In the treatment of 50 mg/L Phe+1 mg/L ASA, the contents of adenosine increased by 129%, compared with the control. To sum up, exogenous substances can effectively regulate the activities of nitrogen metabolism-related enzymes of secondary metabolism, thus affecting the contents of secondary metabolites of the calli of P. ternate.
Key words:
- Pinellia ternate /
- nitrogen metabolism /
- active component /
- exogenous substance .
表 1 不同处理对半夏愈伤组织中总生物碱、鸟苷及腺苷含量的影响
% 处理 指标 总生物碱 鸟苷 腺苷 CK 0.165±0.010e 0.015±0.000c 0.007±0.000cd T1 0.372±0.016b 0.031±0.001a 0.013±0.000ab T2 0.311±0.015bc 0.026±0.000b 0.010±0.001bc T3 0.370±0.014b 0.010±0.001d 0.003±0.000e T4 0.320±0.021bc 0.031±0.001a 0.003±0.001e T5 0.227±0.010d 0.032±0.001a 0.013±0.000ab T6 0.277±0.014c 0.013±0.001c 0.016±0.000a T7 0.381±0.007a 0.037±0.001a 0.005±0.000de T8 0.350±0.013b 0.008±0.000d 0.003±0.001e T9 0.379±0.026a 0.013±0.000c 0.007±0.001cd T10 0.162±0.005e 0.030±0.002ab 0.002±0.000e -
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