由于人类活动引起的温室气体大量排放导致了气候变化和全球变暖等一系列重大的全球性环境问题,是当今备受关注的全球变化研究主要课题之一,CO2,N2O和CH4是大气中3种最主要的温室气体,对全球增温的贡献率达到了80%,其中N2O全球增温潜势(GWP)最大,且能破坏臭氧层增强紫外辐射从而危害人类健康[1-2].农业土壤作为N2O最主要的人为排放源,受农业管理措施影响强烈,不同地区及农业生态系统由于N2O排放的时空变异性,排放系数差异较大. IPCC(2006)[3]对确定污染排放的两大关键因子:排放因子及活动水平数据要求越来越严,编制排放清单时尤其要求应尽量使用当地排放系数,因此长期定位监测不同区域较为典型的农业生态系统尤为必要.我国紫色土(主要为耕地)集中分布在川渝盆地地区,面积约为2 198.8万hm2,约占全国的51%[4],对紫色土N2O排放进行连续的田间原位监测对建立该区域乃至中国温室气体排放清单都具有重要意义.目前对于紫色土N2O排放已经有了一定研究,但已有研究主要侧重于不同耕作系统和方式[5-6]、氮肥类型[7-8]等对N2O排放的影响,秸秆还田作为重要的农业生产方式目前被大力推行,但其对N2O排放的影响却鲜有报道,关于不同施肥方式下土壤N2O的排放研究也比较匮乏.本研究在位于重庆北碚18 a长期不同施肥处理的国家紫色土肥力与肥效监测基地内,对不同施肥、秸秆还田方式下紫色土N2O排放进行了连续2a稻麦轮作麦季的原位监测,探讨水分、肥料施用以及秸秆管理等对紫色土N2O排放的影响,并进一步估算与化肥施用和秸秆还田相关的N2O排放系数,以期为紫色土N2O减排措施及川渝地区温室气体排放清单编制提供参考和依据.
Effect of Long-Term Differentiated Fertilization on N2O Emission from a Rice-Wheat Rotated Purple Soil During Wheat Growing Seasons
摘要: 依据位于重庆北碚始于1991年的国家紫色土肥力与肥效监测基地上长期不同施肥定位试验,选取其中不施肥+秸秆不还田、不施肥+秸秆还田、施PK肥+秸秆不还田、施N肥+秸秆不还田、NPK正常施肥量+秸秆不还田、NPK正常施肥量+秸秆还田和1.5倍NPK施肥量+秸秆还田等7个处理,采用静态箱法对土壤N2O排放开展了连续2a小麦生长期的田间原位观测.结果表明:两麦季4个施氮处理N2O排放波动幅度均较大,且基肥和追肥后出现较强排放,3个未施氮处理N2O排放波动较平缓,并均明显低于施氮处理. N2O排放第二季较第一季要弱,年际差异较大,其原因主要是土壤WFPS第二季要明显低于第一季,而同一麦季不同处理下N2O排放差异主要是由土壤NO3--N质量分数不同造成的.秸秆还田增加了N2O排放,单施氮肥对N2O增排效果相比之下则更明显,而秸秆还田与化学氮肥协同作用同样促进了N2O生成与排放.平衡施肥较偏施氮肥N2O排放量低,实际生产中考虑N2O减排应尽量选择平衡施肥.两麦季化肥或秸秆N来源下农田N2O排放系数均值分别为0.85%,0.61%,综合考虑外源输入N时均值为0.69%,均低于IPCC推荐值(1%),可见估算N2O排放量时针对不同N素源农田应选用相对应N素N2O排放系数.Abstract: The changes of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions of different fertilization level treatments from the National Purple Soil Fertility Monitored Base (Beibei, Chongqing, China) were investigated in situ, using the static chamber-based method during two wheat growing seasons from 2008 to 2010. Seven treatments were made as follows: no fertilization + no crop residue (no straw incorporation into the field), no fertilization + crop residue, PK fertilization + no crop residue, N fertilization + no crop residue, NPK normal fertilization + no crop residue, NPK normal fertilization + crop residue and NPK high fertilization + crop residue. The N2O transient emission fluxes of nitrogen treatments showed a large fluctuations during the first half of the growing season, and strong emissions following basal fertilization and topdressing were also observed, while the N2O transient emission fluxes of no nitrogen treatments basically remained the same during the two wheat seasons, and were significantly lower than those of the nitrogen treatments. The N2O emission fluxes and the annual variable rules of soil moisture (water filled pore space, WFPS) in the second wheat season were lower in general than those in the first wheat season, which were responsible for the suppression of N2O emission. Moreover, N2O emission differences among different treatments during the same wheat growing season were mainly caused by the difference in NO3--N content in the soil. Straw returning was in favor of N2O emission, and the promoting effects of chemical nitrogen fertilizer on soil N2O emission was more obvious than straw. In contrast, the combined application of chemical N fertilizer and straw had a synergistic interaction on N2O emission. Treatments of chemical fertilizer and straw tended to have a lower N2O emission than the partial nitrogen treatment. Therefore, from the practical point of view of reducing N2O emission, we should try to use the balanced fertilization in agricultural production. The mean values of N2O emission factors of farmland under the chemical nitrogen fertilizer and straw in the two wheat seasons were 0.85% and 0.61%, respectively, while the mean value of emission factors of the exogenous input of N (including N fertilizer and straw) were 0.69%, both of which were lower than the recommended value of IPCC (1%). Accordingly, in the view of the N2O emission estimation of farmland under different sources of nitrogen, the corresponding N2O emission factor should be used.
Key words:
- purple soil /
- wheat-growing season /
- N2O /
- long-term fertilization /
- straw returning /
- emission factor .
表 1 试验处理施肥及秸秆还田量及各处理0~20 cm土壤基本理化性质
处理 秸秆还田量/[t·(hm2·季)-1] 化肥用量/[kg·(hm2·季)-1] 有机碳/(g·kg-1) 总氮/(g·kg-1) pH值 N P2O5 K2O R- 0 0 0 0 11.79 2.11 7.16 R+ 7.5 0 0 0 14.26 2.53 6.75 PKR- 0 0 60 60 14.50 1.59 6.13 NR- 0 135 0 0 14.42 1.97 5.86 FnR- 0 135 60 60 12.21 2.15 5.89 FnR+ 7.5 135 60 60 17.41 2.71 6.47 FhR+ 7.5 202 90 90 12.34 1.19 6.17 表 2 土壤环境因子与N2O排放通量相关性分析
时间 土壤环境因素 处理 R- R+ PKR- NR- FnR- FnR+ FhR+ 第一季 地下5 cm温度 -0.098 0.043 0.048 -0.163 -0.341 -0.240 -0.396 WFPS 0.182 -0.118 0.05 0.250 0.054 0.147 -0.024 NO3--N -0.147 -0.06 0.113 -0.076 0.654** 0.639** 0.279 第二季 地下5 cm温度 -0.315 -0.442* -0.493* -0.256 -0.253 -0.324 -0.431* WFPS -0.347 -0.332 -0.330 -0.113 -0.213 -0.183 0.139 NO3--N 0.124 0.33 0.225 0.114 0.598** -0.106 0.324 注:*表示p<0.05,分析具有统计学意义,**表示p<0.01,分析具统计学意义. 表 3 不同对照下N2O排放系数
% 处理 以无氮处理(R-,PKR-)为对照 以FnR-为对照 以R+为对照 第一季 第二季 两季平均 第一季 第二季 两季平均 第一季 第二季 两季平均 R+ 0.66 0.56 0.61 - - - - - - NR- 0.93 0.98 0.96 - - - - - - FnR- 0.95 0.54 0.75 - - - - - - FnR+ 0.82 0.50 0.66 0.35 0.33 0.34 0.86 0.48 0.67 FhR+ 0.38 0.55 0.47 - - - 0.32 0.55 0.44 -
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