半夏 Pinellia ternata 为天南星科半夏属多年生宿根草本植物, 块茎可入药, 是一味传统的中药材.其性温、味辛[1-2].生物碱、鸟苷、腺苷是其主要有效成分, 药理作用强, 具有镇咳祛痰、健脾胃、止呕吐、降压降脂、抗心律失常、抗坏血栓及抗肿瘤等功效[3-6].通过植物组织培养技术对半夏进行组织培养来生产有效成分, 而添加特定的外源物质来提高植物体内次生代谢物是目前提高植物次生代谢物的有效办法[7-12].本文以三叶半夏愈伤组织为材料, 用不同质量浓度诱导子硝普钠(SNP), 乙酰水杨酸(ASA)和前体物苯丙氨酸(Phe), 天冬氨酸(Asp)来诱导半夏愈伤组织中总生物碱、鸟苷及腺苷的合成, 筛选出促进半夏愈伤组织次生代谢物积累的外源添加物及最适质量浓度, 为半夏的工业化生产提供参考.
Effects of Exogenous Additives on Callus Growth and Secondary Metabolites Content of Pinellia ternata
摘要: 研究了添加前体物和诱导子对半夏愈伤组织生长及其生物碱、鸟苷、腺苷的影响.结果表明:在试验质量浓度范围内, 前体物Phe, Asp抑制半夏愈伤组织的生长, 而诱导子SNP和ASA则促进其生长; 低质量浓度Phe促进半夏愈伤组织中总生物碱的积累, 而高质量浓度则抑制其合成, 不同质量浓度的Asp, SNP, ASA均促进其体内总生物碱的积累; Phe和ASA对半夏愈伤组织中鸟苷的合成均为低质量浓度时促进而高质量浓度时抑制, 不同质量浓度Asp, SNP则均促进其鸟苷的合成; 前体物Phe和Asp有利于半夏愈伤组织中腺苷的合成, 但是诱导子SNP和ASA却抑制腺苷的积累.Abstract: The effects of elicitors and precursors on callus growth and contents of total alkaloids, guanosine and adenosine in Pinellia ternata were studied.The results showed that precursors of Phe and Asp can inhibited callus growth.However, the induction of SNP and ASA promoted the growth of callus in the range of test concentration.Low concentration of Phe increased the total alkaloids accumulation in callus of Pinellia ternata.while high concentrations of Phe inhibited the accumulation.Different concentrations of Asp, SNP and ASA could promote the total alkaloids accumulation.Low concentration of Asp and SNP showed positive action on the synthesis of guanosine in callus, but high concentration of them had adverse effects on the synthesis of guanosine.Different concentrations of Asp and SNP could promote the synthesis of guanosine.The precursors of Phe, Asp were conducive to the synthesis of adenosine in callus of Pinellia ternata, but SNP and ASA inhibited the accumulation of adenosine.
Key words:
- Pinellia ternata /
- callus /
- elicitors /
- precursors /
- secondary metabolite .
表 1 不同质量浓度Phe对半夏愈伤组织生长及体内总生物碱、鸟苷及腺苷的影响
Phe/(mg·L-1) 指标 相对生长速率/% 总生物碱/% 鸟苷/% 腺苷/% 0 1.206±0.091a 0.192±0.016bc 0.018±0.004c 0.008±0.000c 25 0.930±0.102ab 0.281±0.010b 0.025±0.006b 0.008±0.000c 50 1.110±0.032a 0.382±0.020a 0.041±0.005a 0.017±0.000a 100 0.625±0.028b 0.213±0.007bc 0.019±0.005b 0.012±0.001b 150 0.703±0.024b 0.174±0.021c 0.010±0.001c 0.006±0.000c 注:表 1中数据为平均值±标准误差, 同一列数据中字母不同者表示差异达5%显著水平(下同). 表 2 不同质量浓度SNP对半夏愈伤组织生长及体内总生物碱、鸟苷及腺苷的影响
SNP/(mg·L-1) 指标 相对生长速率/% 总生物碱/% 鸟苷/% 腺苷/% 0 1.206±0.091c 0.192±0.010d 0.018±0.000ab 0.008±0.000a 0.1 2.670±0.032b 0.278±0.021b 0.020±0.001a 0.007±0.000a 0.5 1.458±0.025c 0.208±0.017c 0.016±0.001b 0.004±0.000bc 1 2.851±0.056ab 0.370±0.014a 0.011±0.001c 0.002±0.000c 5 3.299±0.081a 0.260±0.015bc 0.009±0.000c 0.005±0.001b -
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