Survey of Epidemiology of Alimentary Canal Parasitosis of Dogs in Rongchang District of Chongqing
摘要: 了解重庆市荣昌区犬消化道内寄生虫的感染情况,为制定防治措施提供依据.采用锦纶筛兜淘洗法、饱和盐水漂浮法和虫卵沉淀法调查了荣昌区6个街镇的209份犬粪样.结果检测出感染虫体种数为5种,感染率最高的是犬弓首蛔虫,阳性率为77.03%;感染率最低的是巴西钩口线虫,感染率为21.53%. 1-6月龄的犬寄生虫感染率为98.68%;7-12月龄的犬寄生虫感染率为79.17%;1岁以上的犬寄生虫感染率为68.85%.本地犬寄生虫的感染率达到了96.55%;其次属杂交犬,为89.65%;宠物犬的感染率较低,为59.38%.结果表明,荣昌区犬消化道内寄生虫感染较为普遍,应重视犬寄生虫病的防治.Abstract: To understand the alimentary canal parasitic infections of dogs in Rongchang District of Chongqing and to provide a scientific basis for making measures of parasitic disease control, 209 faecal samples were randomly collected from dogs in six towns and sub-districts of Rongchang and examined with the direct smear method, the saturated sodium chloride flotation method and the sedimentation method. Five species of parasites were found, of which Toxocara canis had the highest infection rate (77.03%) and Ancylostoma braziliense the lowest infection rate (21.53%). The parasite infection rate was 98.68%, 79.17% and 68.85% for 1-6-month-old, 7-12-month-old and ≥one-year-old dogs, respectively. The infection rate was 96.55%, 89.65% and 59.38% for the native Chinese dogs, hybridization dogs and pet dogs, respectively. It is concluded from the above investigation that alimentary canal parasites are highly prevalent in dogs in Rongchang and enough attention should be given to their control.
Key words:
- dog /
- alimentary canal parasite /
- infection rate /
- detection .
表 1 检测发现的犬消化道寄生虫种类
科别 属别 种名 弓首科(Toxocaridae) 弓首属(Toxocara) 犬弓首蛔虫(T. canis) 钩口科(Ancylostomatidae) 钩口属(Ancylostoma) 犬钩口线虫(A. caninum) 巴西钩口线虫(A. braziliense) 艾美耳科(Eimeriidae) 等孢属(Isospora) 犬等孢球虫(I. spp) 双壳科(Dilepididae) 复孔属(Dipylidium) 犬复孔绦虫(D. caninum) 表 2 检出的犬消化道内寄生虫种类及感染率
寄生虫种类 检查数样 检出阳性数样本 感染率/% 犬弓首蛔虫卵 209 161 77.03 犬复孔绦虫卵 209 75 35.88 巴西钩口线虫卵 209 45 21.53 犬钩口线虫卵 209 78 37.32 等孢球虫卵囊 209 54 25.84 表 3 不同年龄犬寄生虫感染情况
年龄(月龄) 检测只数 感染只数 虫体种数 感染率/% 1-6 76 75 5 98.68 7-12 72 57 5 79.17 1岁以上 61 42 4 68.85 总计 209 174 5 83.25 表 4 不同品种犬寄生虫感染情况
品种 检测只数 感染只数 虫体种数 感染率/% 土犬 87 84 5 96.55 杂交犬 58 52 5 89.65 宠物犬 64 38 4 59.38 总计 209 174 5 83.25 -
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