乙酸-2-苯乙酯(acetic acid 2-phenylethyl ester,C10H12O2,103-45-7),具有水果香味的酯类化合物,是果品加工发酵过程中主要的特征性香气成分和风味物质[4-5].目前,关于乙酸-2-苯乙酯的研究主要集中在白酒[6-7]、啤酒[8]、葡萄酒[9-10]、米酒[11]、脐橙酒[12]、甘薯酒[13]、酒醅[14]等酿酒行业,刺梨果汁[15]、马铃薯醋[16]、麸醋[17]、醋醅[18]等酿醋行业,以及香精[19]、烟草[20]、玫瑰[21]、链球菌[22]等其他领域.国外学者在酵母发酵酒精类饮料(如啤酒、清酒)的过程中,发现酯类化合物的合成途径有两条:①在酯酶(Esterase)的催化下由酸类和醇类缩合而成,酯酶是一种可逆酶,发酵液中的酯也可能被该酶水解成相应的醇和脂肪酸;②在醇酰基转移酶(AAT)的作用下由酰基辅酶A和醇类形成[23-24].目前,可以通过化学酶法[25-27]和氨基磺酸催化酯化合成法[28]检测酯类化合物的合成途径.然而,有关苹果醋发酵过程中酯类化合物乙酸-2-苯乙酯合成途径的研究还未见报道.
A Study on the Synthetic Pathways and Regulation of Acetic Acid-2-phenyl Ethyl Ester
摘要: 为了研究苹果醋发酵过程中的特征性香气成分乙酸-2-苯乙酯的合成途径和调节,采用反应体系跟踪法检测各合成相关基质的浓度变化,发现在苹果醋发酵第7d后,乙酸-2-苯乙酯开始大量生成,第30 d达到最高值;根据分析乙酸-2-苯乙酯与其合成基质,AAT,Esterase酶活浓度之间的相关系数,初步确定乙酸-2-苯乙酯的合成途径同时存在酯酶途径和醇酰基转移酶途径,推测醇酰基转移酶途径可能是主要的合成途径,醇酰基转移酶可能是关键酶;通过外源加标法,检测到8 g/L是L-苯丙氨酸的最佳添加质量浓度,可以有效增加苹果醋的香气成分的生成量和醋酸质量浓度,进而提高苹果醋制品独特的香味和风味.研究结果为苹果醋制品香气成分和风味物质的深入研究和其关键工艺控制点提供了一定的参考依据.Abstract: In order to understand the synthetic pathway(s) and regulation of acetic acid-2-phenyl ethyl ester, which is a characteristic aroma component in apple vinegar fermentation, a preliminary study was made, in which the reaction system tracing method was adopted to detect the concentration change in the related synthetic matrices. The results showed that acetic acid-2-phenyl ethyl ester increased significantly after 7 days' fermentation and reached the highest after 30 days. According to the correlation coefficient between acetic acid-2-phenyl ethyl ester and its synthesis matrix, AAT and esterase activity, it was tentatively concluded that the esterase pathway and alcohol acyltransferase pathway existed simultaneously for the synthesis of acetic acid-2-phenyl ethyl ester, and it was speculated that the acyltransferase pathway could be the main synthetic pathway and acyltransferase could be the key enzyme. A test of the external standard method showed that 8 g/L was the optimal concentration of L-phenylalanine, which increased the aroma components of apple cider vinegar and the concentration of acetic acid, thus enhancing the unique scent and flavor of the apple vinegar products.
Key words:
- apple vinegar /
- acetic acid-2-phenyl ethyl ester /
- synthetic pathway /
- regulation .
表 1 合成乙酸2苯乙酯各基质的相关性系数(p<0.01)
指标 β-苯乙醇 乙酸 乙酰辅酶A AAT Esterase 乙酸-2-苯乙酯 -0.973 9 -0.623 2 -0.979 9 0.945 7 0.402 7 -
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