三峡工程蓄水运行之后,库区水位每年在145~175 m之间变化,形成新的消落带[1].消落带特殊的水文变化使库区许多植物不适应新生境而难以生存,原有植被逐渐消亡,引起了严重的环境问题[2],对植被的恢复和重建是消落带生态系统恢复和保护的重点,植被重建对提高消落带生态系统适应能力也具有重要意义[3].此外,对三峡库区段的多目标地球化学调查结果显示,镉(Cd,cadmium)是三峡库区表层土壤中污染最严重的重金属元素[4],无Cd污染区面积仅52.12%,存在区域性轻度污染(0.2~0.6 mg/kg)及点状中度(0.6~1 mg/kg)以上污染,高Cd异常地区自然土壤中Cd质量分数达到8.5 mg/kg[5-6]. Cd是一种毒性很强的非必需元素[7],由于其较高的风险评估值和潜在的不良生物学效应[8],三峡库区Cd污染状况逐渐引起研究者的重视[9-10].植物修复技术是通过利用适应性好、抗逆性强的植物吸收、分解、转化或固定土壤中的重金属,以此降低污染物的浓度,提高土壤的安全性.具有适用性广、经济美观的优点[11, 13].在对三峡库区消落带进行植被重建的同时,联合重金属植物修复将达到事半功倍的效果.前期研究结果发现,秋华柳(Salix variegata)作为杨柳科(Salicaceae)柳属(Salix L.)的耐水淹植物在水淹条件下仍对重金属Cd具有较好的富集能力,在消落带植被重建及Cd污染土壤的治理中具有较大的应用潜力[14-15].
目前,有关秋华柳在水淹条件下修复Cd污染土壤的研究主要集中于秋华柳富集Cd能力、吸收转运、富集机理及其应用潜力方面[14-15, 24],但水淹条件下,秋华柳的种植会使土壤pH值、有机质和营养元素质量分数发生怎样的变化,是否会对秋华柳的生长及修复效率产生负面影响尚不清楚.本研究通过模拟水淹及Cd污染环境,探究种植秋华柳后土壤化学性质的变化及其影响,以期为消落带Cd污染土壤修复效率的提高提供理论参考依据.
Effect of Salix variegata on the Chemical Properties of Cd-Contaminated Soils Under Flooding
摘要: 为探究秋华柳(Salix variegata Franch.)在消落带水淹环境中对Cd污染土壤化学性质的影响,设置无镉处理组(Cd0)和镉浓度为2 mg/kg的镉处理组(Cd2),水分设置为正常供水组及土壤表面以上5 cm水淹组,所有处理组包括秋华柳种植组和无植物组.结果表明:1)秋华柳种植及水分处理均显著降低了土壤的pH值,使土壤酸碱度趋向于中性.2)所有处理及其交互作用未对土壤有机质质量分数表现出显著影响.3)秋华柳种植、水分处理及其交互作用极显著影响了土壤全氮质量分数;植物处理以及植物与Cd的交互作用显著影响土壤全磷质量分数;土壤全钾质量分数受到Cd处理、植物与水分以及水分与Cd处理之间交互作用的影响显著.水淹条件下种植秋华柳后,其土壤全氮质量分数为正常供水条件下裸地的79%;在Cd污染环境中,种植秋华柳使土壤全磷质量分数降低了15%,水分与植物的联合处理使全钾质量分数降低21%.4)与裸地正常供水组相比,水淹条件下秋华柳种植显著提高了土壤碱解氮质量分数;土壤速效磷质量分数仅受到Cd处理的影响,植物和水分处理未对土壤速效磷质量分数形成显著性影响;在无Cd环境中,与正常供水土壤相比,水淹显著降低了土壤速效磷的质量分数.研究表明,水淹条件下,秋华柳的种植显著降低土壤pH值,将对土壤中Cd离子形态产生明显影响,有利于植物对Cd的吸收.土壤营养元素的潜在供应能力有所降低,供应容量与供应强度随元素种类的变化以及外界环境的影响而表现出一定的差异性.因此,建议在秋华柳修复消落带Cd污染土壤的过程中,严格监控土壤中营养元素的质量分数,在必要的时候可在每年退水期适当施肥以促进秋华柳的生长,从而保证更好的植物修复效果.Abstract: To explore the effects of Salix variegata on the pH, organic matter and nutrient contents of Cd-contaminated soils under flooding, multifactor experimental treatments were applied under two planting levels, and two moisture and two Cd concentration treatments. The two moisture treatments were control (well-watered condition) and flooding (flooding 5 cm above soil surface). Two levels of Cd addition were implemented:control (Cd0, 0 mg/kg) and Cd (Cd2, 2 mg/kg). Each treatment involved a planting group and a non-planting group of S. variegata. Soil pH significantly decreased under the condition of S. variegata planting and flooding, which tended to be neutral. All the three treatment factors and their interaction showed no significant influence on the organic matter content in the soil. S. variegata planting, flooding and their interaction significantly affected soil total N content. S. variegata planting, Cd and their interaction significantly influenced soil total P content. S. variegata planting, Cd and flooding and the interaction between planting and Cd significantly affected soil total K content. Soil TN content under the planting and flooding condition was 79% of the treatment of non-planting with well-watered condition. Under the condition of Cd contamination, S. variegata planting reduced the TP content of the soil by 15%, and the combination of S. variegata planting and flooding reduced TK content of the soil by 21%. Compared with the treatment of no S. variegata planting with well-watered condition, S. variegata planting significantly increased the content of soil alkali hydrolysable under flooding. Soil available P content was influenced by Cd stress and not significantly affected by S. variegata planting and flooding. Compared with the well-watered condition, flooding significantly reduced soil AP content in a Cd-free environment. The results indicated that the pH value of soil was significantly decreased under the conditions of S. variegata planting and flooding, which would have a significant effect on the Cd bioactivity in the soil, which was beneficial to plant Cd uptake. The potential supply capacity of soil nutrient elements was decreased, and the supply capacity and supply intensity showed some differences with the change of element types and the influence of external environment. Therefore, it is suggested that the contents of nutrient elements in the soil should be strictly monitored in the process of the phytoremediation for Cd-contaminated soil, and fertilizers should be applied properly in the de-submergence period to promote the growth of S. variegata, thus ensuring a better effect for phytoremediation of the Cd-contaminated soil.
表 1 供试土壤基本化学性质
pH值 有机质/
(mg·kg-1)7.83 15.23 0.99 0.78 12.21 81.27 11.83 186.27 0.53 表 2 实验设计
Cd浓度处理 植物与水分处理 裸地正常供水组
PFLCd0(0 mg·kg-1) CK1 FL1 PCK1 PFL1 Cd2(2 mg·kg-1) CK2 FL2 PCK2 PFL2 表 3 植物、水分以及Cd处理对土壤pH及有机质的影响
指标 植物处理 水分处理 Cd浓度 植物*水分 植物*Cd 水分*Cd 植物*水分*Cd pH ** ** ns ** ns ns ns 有机质 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 注:*表示p<0.05,**表示p<0.01,差异有统计学意义;ns表示p>0.05,差异无统计学意义. 表 4 植物、水分以及Cd处理对土壤全氮、全磷及全钾的影响
指标 植物处理 水分处理 Cd浓度 植物*水分 植物*Cd 水分*Cd 植物*水分*Cd 全氮 ** ** ns ** ns ns ns 全磷 * ns ns ns * ns ns 全钾 ns ns * * ns * ns 注:*表示p<0.05,**表示p<0.01,差异有统计学意义;ns表示p>0.05,差异无统计学意义. 表 5 植物、水分以及Cd处理对土壤碱解氮、有效磷及速效钾的影响
指标 植物处理 水分处理 Cd处理 植物*水分 植物*Cd 水分*Cd 植物*水分*Cd 碱解氮 * ** ns ns ns ns ns 速效磷 ns ns * ns ns ns ns 速效钾 ns * ns ns ns * * -
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