酸度是土壤重要的化学特征之一,控制着土壤中许多重要的物理、化学及生物过程,进而影响土壤在生态系统中的功能,酸化也是土壤发生发展中重要的自然过程[1].土壤过酸可能会造成营养物质流失、有毒金属活化、农作物减产等一系列负面影响,对我国农业生产与环境安全构成了巨大的潜在威胁[1],同时也会造成铝、锰和氢对植物的毒害以及土壤中营养元素P,Mo,Ca,Mg的缺乏,从而使作物减产[2-3];且土壤过酸不仅会影响农业和生态环境,更重要的是受它影响的土地面积及它对农业和环境的影响程度都将随时间的增加而增加[4].紫色土是重庆市分布面积最广的旱地土类,总面积约2.74×106 hm2,占全市土地总面积的33.22%,包括酸性紫色土、中性紫色土和石灰性紫色土3个亚类.在现行的发生分类体系中,酸性紫色土包括夹关组(K2j)母岩发育的红紫泥土和因淋溶脱钙而形成的酸紫泥土两个土属.近期,笔者调查发现重庆江津低海拔区域存在一类由沙溪庙组(J2s)母岩风化发育的酸性紫色土,其酸性成因并非淋溶脱钙.上述情况使得现行的酸性紫色土土属划分不能满足新的土壤调查需要.
The Origin of Acidic Purple Soil in Chongqing and Its Significance for Soil Genetic Classification
摘要: 以采自重庆市的16个酸性紫色土剖面为研究对象,分析海拔、母岩(质)、机械组成、交换性盐基和人为活动等对土壤酸度的影响,探讨重庆市酸性紫色土的成因及其对发生分类的意义.结果表明,在重庆市内,海拔是影响土壤酸度最重要的因素,海拔达到一定高度后(>500 m),土壤质地才会影响盐基淋溶,进而影响土壤酸度;母岩(质)的CEC、有机碳和CaCO3含量对其发育土壤的酸度有影响;ΔpH为供试剖面B层土壤与其母岩(质)之间的pH差值,母岩(质)的CEC、有机碳和CaCO3含量与ΔpH呈对数负相关(其中CEC和CaCO3的p < 0.05,有机碳分析无统计学意义);在不同盐基离子中,Ca2+对土壤pH值的影响最大,Mg2+和K+对土壤酸度影响的强度与母岩类型有关,Na+则基本无影响;而人为活动对土壤酸度的影响主要体现在耕层土壤的酸度变化上.此外,调查发现,在江津区,有不少pH值呈酸性的沙溪庙组(J2s)紫色岩出露,由于其发育的紫色土在目前的发生分类体系中缺乏相应的土属位置,故建议扩大酸紫泥土的检索范围或在酸性紫色土亚类下为此类土壤新增一个土属,以完善紫色土发生分类体系.Abstract: Sixteen acidic purple soil profiles were collected from Chongqing to analyze the influences of elevation, parent material, mechanical composition, exchangeable bases and human activity on soil acidity and to study the natural origin of acidic purple in Chongqing and its ascription in Chinese Soil Genetic Classification (CSGC). The results were as follows. Elevation is the most important factor influencing soil acidity in the territory of Chongqing. All the tested soils located at 500 m or more above sea level are acidic. Besides, only when the elevation reaches a certain height (500 m) can soil texture influence leaching of exchangeable bases, which, in turn, will influence soil acidity. CEC (cation exchange capacity), SOC (soil organic carbon) and the content of CaCO3 of the parent material influence the acidity of the tested soils. ΔpH, which means the difference of pH between the B layer and the parent material to express the change of pH in the process of soil development, is in negative logarithm correlations with CEC (p < 0.05), SOC (p>0.05) and content of CaCO3 (p < 0.05). Of the different base ions, Ca2+ has the greatest influence on soil acidity, the influence of Mg2+ and K+ on the acidity of the soil is associated with the type of the parent material, and Na+ has practically no influence on soil acidity. The influence of human activities on soil acidity is reflected mainly in the change in the acidity of the topsoil. Furthermore, this investigation found a large number of exposed acidic purple rocks developed from J2s in Jiangjin district. In current CSGC, the purple soils originating from them do not have a position of their own. Therefore, the authors propose that the search scope for acidic purple soil be increased or a new soil genus for them be added under the acidic purple soil, so as to improve the current occurrence-classification system of purple soil in CSGC.
Key words:
- Chongqing /
- acidic purple soil /
- parent material /
- elevation /
- genetic classification .
表 1 供试土壤的成土环境
剖面号 海拔/m 地点 岩石地层 母质 土地利用方式 S01 317 合川区 J2s 泥岩风化残坡积物 旱地 S02 254 合川区 J2s 砂质泥(页)岩风化残坡积物 旱地 S03 283 铜梁区 J2s 砂质泥(页)岩风化残坡积物 果园 S04 327 铜梁区 J2s 砂岩、泥岩风化残坡积物 旱地 S05 395 荣昌区 J2s 泥(页)岩、砂岩风化残坡积物 旱地 S06 688 綦江区 K2j 砂岩风化残坡积物 旱地 S07 696 綦江区 K2j 砂岩风化残坡积物 旱地 S08 688 綦江区 K2j 砂岩风化残坡积物 旱地 S09 588 江津区 K2j 砂岩、泥(页)岩风化坡积物 旱地 S10 1 027 江津区 K2j 砂岩风化残坡积物 旱地 S11 275 江津区 J2s 泥岩风化残坡积物 旱地 S12 275 江津区 J2s 泥岩风化残坡积物 旱地 S13 280 江津区 J2s 泥岩风化残坡积物 林地 S14 585 渝北区 J2s 泥岩风化残坡积物 旱地 S15 613 江津区 J3p 泥岩风化残坡积物 旱地 S16 874 綦江区 J3p 砂岩风化残坡积物 旱地 表 2 供试土壤的理化性质
剖面号 剖面构型 pH值 交换性酸/
(cmol·kg-1)机械组成/(g·kg-1) 有机碳SOC/
(cmol·kg-1)粉粒 黏粒 砂粒 S01 Ap-Bw-C 7.2~5.2 2.15 425.6~457.4 164.7~204.2 370.2~378.0 4.89~18.22 21.46~45.00 4.90~23.47 11.56~14.99 S02 Ap-Bw-E-C 6.9~4.9 0.44~5.55 331.1~562.3 190.2~264.3 247.4~424.8 3.71~23.14 35.32~46.35 12.72~23.47 17.98~29.55 S03 Ap-Bw-BC-C 8.5~5.9 0.92 275.2~357.0 269.5~349.3 293.7~455.3 3.93~13.89 14.68~20.28 12.65~22.90 12.25 S04 Ap-Bw-C 5.6~4.8 2.24~5.01 190.9~237.0 131.7~143.2 631.4~666.0 4.20~18.37 9.44~19.02 3.50~10.17 4.11~5.80 S05 Ap-Bw1-Bw2-Bw3-C 5.4~4.4 2.50~14.60 423.6~666.8 188.9~442.5 112.5~220.5 2.03~18.40 27.79~34.37 6.35~9.90 14.67~16.21 S06 Ap-Bt-BC-C 7.3~5.1 0.14~2.19 248.7~306.2 186.0~257.6 470.8~565.3 3.11~11.79 7.71~14.20 2.38~10.63 6.26~9.12 S07 Ap-Bt-C 5.1~5.0 1.71~2.68 262.5~442.5 32.6~175.0 524.9~568.4 7.13~11.73 10.80~11.57 3.16~4.28 5.69~6.21 S08 Ap-BC-C 5.6~4.3 1.98~5.23 190.2~257.5 116.7~121.4 625.7~688.4 2.85~19.89 9.60~11.55 1.12~4.18 4.16~4.91 S09 Ap-Bw1-Bw2-Bw3-Bw4-C 4.5~4.3 8.27~8.96 588.4~673.7 2.1~4.1 324.2~409.6 6.97~15.28 13.47~17.54 0.83~1.11 5.46~6.72 S10 Ap-AB-Bt-Bw-C 7.3~5.6 0.35~0.81 247.8~455.3 121.7~168.7 376.0~622.2 1.33~16.14 9.87~11.92 1.99~11.15 5.78~7.06 S11 Ap-Bw1-Bw2-C 5.2~4.5 3.23~9.59 377.8~628.6 90.0~309.9 197.4~532.2 2.98~14.08 32.91~49.72 7.24~12.81 12.52~21.24 S12 Ap-Bw1-Bw2-C 5.7~4.7 5.50~8.95 512.0~573.6 181.8~243.3 188.5~306.2 5.14~14.18 35.31~38.88 9.23~10.76 14.67~15.83 S13 Ah-Bw1-Bw2-Bw3-Bw4-C 4.7~4.5 13.58~21.50 522.4~566.3 285.5~454.6 23.0~178.4 2.27~8.94 31.49~33.98 5.83~7.61 5.58~8.40 S14 Ap-Bw1-Bw2-Bw3-C 6.2~5.1 0.26~3.59 381.9~480.0 167.0~223.0 334.1~400.0 0.92~11.28 14.75~24.17 4.73~9.92 12.20~13.03 S15 Ap-Bt-BC-C 5.6~8.5 0.44 289.4~464.0 207.9~494.3 111.2~502.6 4.92~14.99 25.94~38.36 18.88~124.07 14.76 S16 Ap-Bw1-Bw2-Bw3-Bw4-Bw5-C 5.3~8.9 0.17~0.92 186.1~265.4 79.1~112.6 622.0~754.7 4.82~13.17 6.43~9.59 2.27~5.42 4.17~5.70 -
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