普洱茶是以云南大叶种茶树[Camellia sinensis (Linn.) var. assamiea (Masters) Kitmaura]晒青茶为原料,经后发酵等工序加工而成的茶叶产品,具有汤色红浓明亮、滋味醇厚回甘、陈香显著等风味品质特点[1].除风味独特外,国内外研究还报道其具有降脂减肥、抗氧化、抗菌、抗突变、保护神经损伤、保护肝脏、抗疲劳和抗辐射等保健功能或生物活性[2-3].由于独特的风味和良好的保健功能,普洱茶在国内外有着较好的市场,不仅是云南茶叶的特色优势产品和最重要的组成部分,也是我国重要茶叶品种之一[4].
后发酵是普洱茶加工的关键工序,是形成其品质特征和保健功能的核心步骤[5].目前,普洱茶的后发酵一般是将晒青毛茶加入适量水分,混匀、渥堆,根据发酵进程,经过数次潮水、翻堆的过程[6].从微生物学角度来看,这是一个固态发酵(Solid state fermentation)过程.固态发酵是指微生物在没有或几乎没有游离水的培养基质上生长的过程[7].传统固态发酵食品有白酒、酱油、醋、豆豉、腐乳等,现代固态发酵技术生产的产品扩展至酶制剂、有机酸、风味调料、食用菌和功能性食品等[8].但是目前普洱茶的固态发酵采用数吨至数十吨茶叶渥堆的方法,存在茶叶基质热传递困难的问题,亟待改变.
A Comparative Study of Microbial Community and Chemical Components Between the Shallow Tray and the Traditional Fermentation Systems of Pu-erh Tea
摘要: 传统普洱茶渥堆发酵一般包含数吨茶叶基质,发酵中存在热传递不均匀的问题.为此建立了浅盘普洱茶发酵系统,并比较了浅盘与传统普洱茶发酵的微生物群落结构和化学成分差异.测定发现2种发酵过程化学成分变化规律类似,浅盘发酵出堆样的水浸出物、可溶性糖、茶红素和黄酮质量分数显著高于传统发酵出堆样(p < 0.05),茶褐素质量分数显著低于传统发酵出堆样(p < 0.05).2种发酵过程微生物群落结构不同,传统发酵出堆样品优势细菌为葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)和考克菌(Kocuria),优势真菌为曲霉属(Aspergillus)、芽生葡萄孢酵母属(Blastobotrys)和根毛霉(Rhizomucor);浅盘发酵出堆样品优势细菌为芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)和欧文氏菌属(Erwinia),优势真菌为Brunneoclavispora和曲霉属(Aspergillus).审评结果表明,2种发酵出堆茶样都具有较好的感官品质.今后还应研究优化浅盘发酵的条件,以提高普洱茶品质.Abstract: Traditionally, the system of pile fermentation is used for the fermentation of tons of Pu-erh tea. Such a system has a disadvantage of uneven transfer of heat. In order to improve heat transfer in Pu-erh tea fermentation, the authors have developed a shallow tray fermentation system. In a study reported herein, the microbial community structure and the chemical composition in the two systems were compared so as to evaluate the feasibility of the shallow tray fermentation system. Determination showed that the change laws of chemical compounds were similar in both fermentation systems. However, in the final fermented tea leaves, the contents of water extract, soluble sugars, thearubigins and flavonols were significantly higher and theabrownine was significantly lower in shallow tray fermentation than in traditional fermentation. The structure of microbial communities in the final fermented tea leaves was different. The dominant bacteria in the final fermented tea leaves were Staphylococcus, Bacillus and Kocuria and the dominant fungi were Aspergillus, Blastobotrys and Rhizomucor in pile fermentation. In contrast, the dominant bacteria in the final fermented tea leaves were Bacillus and Erwinia and the dominant fungi were Brunneoclavispora and Aspergillus in shallow tray fermentation. Sensory evaluation indicated that the final fermented tea leaves of both systems were of good quality. In our further work, the condition control of shallow tray fermentation is to be investigated so as to produce better and stable Pu-erh tea products.
Key words:
- Pu-erh tea /
- pile fermentation /
- shallow tray fermentation /
- high-throughput sequencing /
- microbial diversity .
表 1 样品信息
样品编号 样品描述 发酵温度/℃,湿度/% 样品编号 发酵温度/℃,湿度/% 样品描述 RM 晒青茶(原料) - RM - 晒青茶(原料) PF1 传统发酵第7 d(第1次翻堆) 46,62 STF1 53,81 浅盘发酵第5 d(第1次翻堆) PF2 传统发酵第14 d(第2次翻堆) 47,68 STF2 54,74 浅盘发酵第10 d(第2次翻堆) PF3 传统发酵第28 d(第3次翻堆) 49,59 STF3 50,78 浅盘发酵第15 d(第3次翻堆) PF4 传统发酵第35 d(第4次翻堆) 52,68 STF4 49,72 浅盘发酵第20 d(第4次翻堆) PF5 传统发酵第42 d(第5次翻堆) 52,60 STF5 36,77 浅盘发酵第25 d(出堆) PF6 传统发酵第49 d(出堆) 33,66 表 2 发酵样品及原料中水浸出物、茶多酚、氨基酸、多糖和咖啡碱等质量分数
样品编号 水浸出物/
%游离氨基酸/% 可溶性糖/
(mg·g-1)RM 43.74±0.1fg 29.84±0.1a 3.12±0.0b 4.80±0.1i 2.71±0.1b 0.08±0.0e 1.12±0.2h 35.01±0.3c 2.98±0.1h 8.53±0.4b PF1 47.80±0.8b 14.73±0.3c 2.66±0.0c 5.13±0.2h 2.60±0.3b 0.08±0.0e 1.28±0.4g 37.83±1.4b 17.21±0.9c 8.90±0.5b PF2 51.71±0.8a 11.90±0.3d 2.52±0.0d 5.16±0.0h 3.04±1.5a 0.16±0.0a 1.93±0.1f 39.48±1.5b 27.86±0.5a 10.92±0.2a PF3 48.47±0.7b 11.70±0.1de 2.31±0.0g 5.35±0.0f 1.94±0.8c 0.11±0.1c 2.47±0.1d 44.06±1.2a 17.53±0.7c 10.39±2.4a PF4 48.35±0.3b 11.30±0.1f 1.69±0.0i 5.37±0.1ef 1.57±0.1d 0.06±0.0f 3.23±0.4c 44.19±1.5a 26.71±1.5b 8.97±0.3b PF5 44.62±1.0de 11.65±0.1de 1.44±0.0j 5.54±0.0d 1.19±0.9e 0.07±0.0f 4.41±0.1b 38.65±0.4b 13.77±0.4d 9.45±0.3b PF6 43.59±0.4g 11.01±0.1g 1.31±0.0k 5.64±0.0c 0.97±0.1f 0.04±0.1h 6.42±0.5a 39.81±0.4b 4.96±0.7g 10.44±0.4a STF1 44.96±0.9de 15.87±0.3b 3.30±0.0a 5.45±0.0de 2.66±0.2b 0.10±0.0d 1.31±0.1g 34.37±0.8c 10.90±0.8e 6.73±0.3c STF2 44.18±0.8de 11.48±0.3ef 2.47±0.0e 5.26±0.1g 2.14±0.1c 0.12±0.0b 1.87±0.2f 37.75±1.6b 10.95±0.9e 6.55±0.7c STF3 38.49±1.0h 11.04±0.1g 2.35±0.1h 5.53±0.1d 1.61±0.2d 0.11±0.0c 2.36±0.2e 39.55±2.9b 11.47±0.5e 5.99±0.2c STF4 46.71±0.3c 10.97±0.1g 1.97±0.0h 5.95±0.0b 1.61±0.4d 0.05±0.0h 2.52±0.3d 44.71±0.0a 9.21±0.0f 5.93±0.1c STF5 45.33±0.8d 11.60±0.2g 1.69±0.0l 6.42±0.1a 1.61±0.7d 0.05±0.0h 2.52±0.3d 39.84±0.4b 4.74±0.2g 6.11±0.2c 注:表中小写字母不同表示样品间化学成分质量分数差异有统计学意义,p<0.05. 表 3 茶样测序序列、OTU、丰度与多样性指数
微生物类别 样品编号 RM PF1 PF2 PF3 PF4 PF5 PF6 STF1 STF2 STF3 STF4 STF5 细菌 高质量reads数 68 663 55 035 53 929 60 329 61 750 42 751 50 929 47 039 50 760 33 839 5 5703 54 840 OTU 1 255 2 220 2 249 1 567 2 126 2 025 405 1 296 1 640 1 732 1 865 1 674 菌群丰度 ACE 211 377 271 264 148 317 261 298 275 356 276 218 Chao1 213 352 252 245 139 298 246 278 258 332 258 198 菌群多样性 Shannon 6.08 7.09 6.18 5.9 3.58 6.79 6.58 6.31 6.48 6.7 6.57 5.32 Simpson 0.97 0.98 0.93 0.9 0.72 0.97 0.98 0.96 0.96 0.99 0.97 0.9 真菌 高质量reads数 48 830 51 323 56 277 54 813 44 921 55 599 58 919 51 866 55 541 55 257 58 695 50 813 OTU 191 261 311 262 205 248 242 299 301 251 258 166 菌群丰度 ACE 203 348 402 358 359 441 452 372 426 385 393 235 Chao1 199 344 390 362 354 462 439 363 418 383 380 231 菌群多样性 Shannon 0.71 2.47 6.18 3.41 3.84 4.07 4.11 3.24 3.26 3.05 2.64 2.62 Simpson 0.14 0.52 0.78 0.73 0.81 0.84 0.84 0.71 0.75 0.71 0.62 0.53 -
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