Influence of Cigarette Material Parameters on Hydrocyanic Acid Delivery in Mainstream Smoke of Slim Cigarette
摘要: 为研究细支卷烟主流烟气氢氰酸释放量受不同卷烟材料参数,即卷烟纸透气度(X1)、接装纸透气度(X2)、成型纸透气度(X3)和滤嘴丝束规格(X4)的影响,运用均匀设计实验制备了不同材料组合的实验卷烟样品,采用二次多项式逐步回归法,建立细支卷烟主流烟气氢氰酸释放量与不同材料参数的数学模型,再对模型进行主效应分析、单因素效应分析、边际效应分析,并进一步开展参数优化和实验验证,明确了以上4种卷烟材料参数对细支卷烟主流烟气中氢氰酸释放量的影响.结果表明:① 4种卷烟材料对氢氰酸释放量影响的大小顺序依次为X2 > X4 > X1 > X3;②接装纸透气度X2、卷烟纸透气度X1和滤嘴丝束规格X4的交互与细支卷烟主流烟气氢氰酸释放量呈负相关,接装纸透气度X2的平方、成型纸透气度X3和滤嘴丝束X4的交互作用与细支卷烟主流烟气氢氰酸释放量呈正相关;③细支卷烟主流烟气氢氰酸释放量较低的材料参数组合为卷烟纸透气度为100 CU、接装纸透气度为800 CU、成型纸透气度为6 000 CU、滤嘴丝束规格为6.0 Y/17000;④与实验组的最低值相比,氢氰酸释放量降低了40.31%.Abstract: In order to study the influences of cigarette material parameters, i.e. cigarette paper permeability (X1), tipping paper permeability (X2), plug wrapper permeability (X3) and tow specification in the filter (X4) on hydrocyanic acid (HCN) delivery in the mainstream smoke of slim cigarette, a uniform design experiment was made, in which test cigarette samples were prepared with different cigarette material combinations. A mathematical model for hydrocyanic acid delivery in mainstream smoke of slim cigarette was constructed with the quadratic polynomial stepwise regression method. Factorial principal effect, single factor effect and marginal effect analyses were made of the mathematical model. The results showed that of the 4 cigarette material parameters studied, X2 had the greatest influence on HCN yield, followed in sequence by X4, X1 and X3; that the delivery of HCN was in a negative correlation with X2 and the interaction between X2 and X1, and between X2 and X4, and in a positive correlation with (X2) 2 and the interaction between, (X2)2 and X3, and between (X2)2 and X4; that the optimized material combination for low HCN delivery was:X1=100 CU、X2=800 CU、X3=6 000 CU、X4=6.0 Y/17000; and that compared with the sample which delivered the lowest HCN in the experimental group, the HCN delivery in mainstream smoke of slim cigarette prepared with the optimized material combination was decreased by 40.31%.
Key words:
- slim cigarette /
- uniform design experiment /
- hydrocyanic acid /
- cigarette material combination .
表 1 实验因素与水平
因素 水平 1 2 3 4 5 卷烟纸,X1(CU) 50 60 70 80 100 接装纸,X2(CU) 200 400 600 800 1 000 成型纸,X3(CU) 6 000 10 000 16 000 20 000 26 000 滤嘴丝束X4 规格 8 Y/15000 7.5 Y/16000 6 Y/17000 I 5 303.3 5 842.37 6 940.22 注:*透气度单位CU为cm3/(min·cm2)的缩写. 表 2 不同卷烟材料参数下卷制的样品氢氰酸释放量
样品号 卷烟纸(X1) 接装纸(X2) 成型纸(X3) 滤嘴丝束(X4) 氢氰酸/(μg·支-1) XZB-1 0.000 0 1.000 0 0.200 0 0.329 3 61.11 XZB-2 0.200 0 0.250 0 1.000 0 0.000 0 77.53 XZB-3 0.400 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.329 3 91.67 XZB-4 0.400 0 0.500 0 0.700 0 1.000 0 61.24 XZB-5 0.600 0 0.500 0 0.500 0 1.000 0 51.77 XZB-6 1.000 0 0.750 0 0.500 0 0.000 0 60.07 表 3 样品主流烟气中氢氰酸释放量的统计描述
检测指标 极小值/(μg·支-1) 极大值/(μg·支-1) 均值/(μg·支-1) 标准差/(μg·支-1) 变异系数/% 偏度 峰度 氢氰酸释放量 51.77 91.67 67.23 13.97 20.30 0.60 -0.69 表 4 目标值的标准回归系数
因素 标准回归系数 因素 标准回归系数 X2 -2.077 X1X4 -0.590 4 X22 1.277 X3X4 0.274 6 表 5 模型中各因子偏导分析结果及边际效应关系式
因子 偏导分析结果 边际效应关系式① X1 ∂Y/X1=-33.89X4 ∂Y/X1=-16.95 X2 ∂Y/X2=-85.81+100.26X2 ∂Y/X2=-85.81+100.26X2 X3 ∂Y/X3=12.98X4 ∂Y/∂3=6.49 X4 ∂Y/X4=-33.89X1+12.98X3 ∂Y/∂4=-10.46 注:①除当前因子外,其他因子均取0.5水平. 表 6 主流烟气氢氰酸释放量较低的卷烟材料优化参数组合验证试验
实验编号 细支卷烟样品主流烟气氢氰酸释放量 检测值/(μg·支-1) 检测平圴值/(μg·支-1) 预测值/(μg·支-1) 相对偏差/% 1 30.4 30.90 25.99 8.629 2 33.6 3 28.7 -
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