蓝舌病(Bluetongue,BT)是由蓝舌病病毒(Bluetongue virus,BTV)引起的、以昆虫(库蠓)为传播媒介的反刍动物的一种非接触性传染病,其易感动物为绵羊、山羊、牛和鹿等反刍动物,是世界动物卫生组织(OIE)划定为A类、我国列为一类的动物重要疫病[1]. BTV隶属于呼肠孤病毒科(Reoviridae)环状病毒属(Orbivirus). BTV粒子呈二十面体对称,圆形,成熟的病毒粒子无囊膜,由7种结构蛋白(VP1,VP2,VP3,VP4,VP5,VP6,VP7)和5种非结构蛋白(NS1,NS2,NS3,NS3A,NS4)组成[2]. BTV外层衣壳主要由VP2和VP5组成,VP2通过与宿主细胞表面的糖蛋白结合,通过网格蛋白介导的细胞内吞机制进入牛羊等宿主细胞内,VP5蛋白构象在胞内酸性环境下发生变化与内吞体膜融合,使BTV脱去外层衣壳蛋白VP2和VP5,开始病毒基因的转录[3-4].由VP1,VP3和VP7及dsRNA组成的核心粒子在VP1蛋白作用下转录得到10个基因组片段的正链RNA,VP4将mRNA分子加帽;病毒mRNA作为合成病毒蛋白的模板在宿主细胞核糖体中翻译成7种结构蛋白(VP1~VP7)和5种非结构蛋白(NS1,NS2,NS3,NS3a,NS4)[3]. NS1蛋白促进BTV ssRNA翻译、调节病毒蛋白合成和影响病毒体dsRNA的组装过程[5-6]. NS2蛋白作为病毒包涵体(viral inclusion bodies,VIBs)的主要组成成分,参与病毒核心粒子的组装[2]. BTV核心粒子组装完成,会从VIB上释放,VP2和VP5组装至病毒核心粒子使其成为完整的病毒粒子,通过NS3蛋白和NS3A蛋白的共同作用进行新一轮的病毒传播[2, 7-10]. NS4基因编码77~79个氨基酸,高度保守的N端富含碱性氨基酸,C端有亮氨酸拉链结构的新型非结构蛋白.研究发现,NS4蛋白在IFN-α/β受体缺陷(IFNAR-/-)的小鼠中表达量低,在一定剂量干扰素(Interferon,IFN)处理的细胞中有利于BTV的复制,是细胞内干扰素信号通路的拮抗剂[11-12].本研究对重庆地区分离的蓝舌病毒BTV-1/China/2017 NS4基因进行了克隆和序列分析,为进一步研究蓝舌病毒NS4基因的功能奠定基础,为深入研究BTV复制和致病机制提供资料.
Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Ⅰ Serotype Bluetongue Virus NS4 Gene
摘要: 为研究蓝舌病毒NS4基因分子特征, 本研究从重庆分离的蓝舌病毒(BTV-1/China/2017)感染细胞提取总RNA, 采用RT-PCR方法对蓝舌病毒(BTV-1/China/2017)NS4基因进行克隆与序列分析.结果表明:所获得的NS4基因ORF长234 bp, 编码77个氨基酸.通过DNAMAN软件分析, 表明本研究中克隆的NS4基因与BTV-8/Netherland/2008/03, BTV-4/Italy/2003, BTV-4/Israel/2010, BTV-8/Israel/2010/03, BTV-1/France/2007/18, BTV-1/France/2008/24, BTV-1/Algeria/2006/01, BTV-2/Sudan/1983/05, BTV-14/Cameroon/1982/04株相似性为100%, 与BTV-2/South Africa/ RSA vaccine strain, BTV-9/South Africa/RSA vaccine strain株及BTV-1/Libya/2007, BTV-2/Italy/2000等25株参考毒株的相似性为98.7%, 而与BTV-1/Australia/2003/01和BTV-16/Indonesia/1998相似性最低, 为90.8%;突变主要发生在5~6位、17~18位、35~36位、39~40位、53~54位、65位及73~74位.系统进化分析表明: BTV-1/China/2017株NS4基因与欧洲源BTV-4/Italy/2003, BTV-8/Netherland/2008/03, BTV-2/France/2001, BTV-15/Israel/2006, BTV-4/Israel/2010, BTV-1/France/2008/24, BTV-4/Spain/2005株聚为一类, 同BTV-4/Italy/2003株亲源关系最近.通过在线软件预测发现NS4蛋白存在2个α-螺旋区, 无跨膜区, 具有亮氨酸拉链(bZIP)典型结构; 存在典型的核定位信号并具有线粒体亚细胞定位特征.Abstract: In order to understand the molecular characteristics of the NS4 gene of bluetonge virus (BTV), its total RNA was extracted from the cells infected by the BTV isolated from Chongqing (BTV-1/China/2017), and the NS4 gene of this virus strain was amplified with RT-PCR. The results showed that the amplified BTV NS4 gene contained an ORF 234 bp in length and encoded 77 amino acids. Analysis with DNAMAN showed that the cloned NS4 gene shared a 100% similarity with the strains BTV-8/Netherland/2008/03, BTV-4/Italy/2003, BTV-4/Israel/2010, BTV-8/Israel/2010/03, BTV-1/France/2007/18, BTV-1/France/2008/24, BTV-1/Algeria/2006/01, BTV-2/Sudan/1983/05 and BTV-14/Cameroon/1982/04, a 98.7% similarity with BTV-2/South Africa/RSA vaccine strain, BTV-9/South Africa/RSA vaccine strain and BTV-1/Libya/2007 and BTV-2/Italy/2000 and other 21 reference strains, and a 90.8% similarity with the BTV-1/Australia/2003/01 strain and the BTV-16/Indonesia/1998 strain. The amino acid mutation sites were mainly distributed in 5-6, 17-18, 35-36, 39-40, 53-54, 65 and 73-74. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the NS4 gene of the cloned gene and BTV-4/Italy/2003, BTV-8/Netherland/2008/03, BTV-2/France/2001, BTV-15/Israel/2006, BTV-4/Israel/2010, BTV-1/France/2008/24 and BTV-4/Spain/2005 strain isolated from European countries were located in the same evolutionary branch, which showed that they had a close phylogenetic relationship with BTV-4/Italy/2003 strain. Prediction of NS4 proteins through online software identified two alpha helixes and a typical leucine zipper (bZIP) structure, but no transmembrane region. They had a typical nuclear localization signal and the character of mitochondrial subcellular localization.
Key words:
- bluetongue virus /
- NS4 gene /
- sequence analysis .
表 1 参考毒株种属来源及序列信息
毒株 种属来源 登录号 BTV-8/Netherland/2008/03 cattle AKV61590.1 BTV-4/Italy/2003 sheep AEO19812.1 BTV-4/Israel/2010 cattle AFN58184.1 BTV-8/Israel/2010/03 ovine AFN58192.1 BTV-1/France/2007/18 sheep AFV68238.1 BTV-1/France/2008/24 cattle AFV68249.1 BTV-1/Algeria/2006/01 sheep AKV61434.1 BTV-2/Sudan/1983/05 Culicoides AKV61514.1 BTV-14/Cameroon/1982/04 unknow lab_host=“mammalian cells” AKV61630.1 BTV-4/France/2016/03 sheep AQW44907.1 BTV-24/Israel/2010/06 ovine AFN58234.1 BTV-10/UK/2012 unknow YP_006390083.1 BTV-9/South Africa/RSA vaccine strain AEO19728.1 BTV-12/Israel/2011 cattle AFN58206.1 BTV-15/Israel/2012 ovine AFN58212.1 BTV-16/Israel/2017/11 cattle AFN58216.1 BTV-24/Israel/2010/01 ovine AFN58232.1 BTV-14/South Africa/1959 sheep AKV61408.1 BTV-3/Cyprus/1958/01 unknown lab_host=“mammalian cells AKV61518.1 BTV-3/Cyprus/1943 sheep AKV61520.1 BTV-14/Russion/2011/01 cattle AKV61634.1 BTV-15/Israel/2006 sheep AKV61638.1 BTV-4/Spain/2005 cattle AKV61580.1 BTV-4/France/2003 mammalian cells AKV61538.1 BTV-2/Italy/2000 sheep AEO19836.1 BTV-1/Libya/2007 sheep AKV61460.1 BTV-2/Italy/2000 sheep AEO19848.1 BTV-2/France/2001 sheep AKV61494.1 BTV-2/South Africa/ RSA vaccine strain AEO19764.1 BTV-1/Tunisia/2007 sheep AKV61490.1 BTV-9/Libya/2008/08 sheep AKV61614.1 BTV-9/Libya/2008/03 sheep AKV61616.1 BTV-4/Morocco/2009/07 sheep AKV61566.1 BTV-17/Brazil/2014/73 sheep AOG59226.1 BTV-16/Israel/2001/18w sheep AKV61426.1 BTV-16/Israel/2008/08 cattle AFN58222.1 BTV-4/Greece/1999/24 sheep AKV61546.1 BTV-4/Greece/2000/07 sheep AKV61550.1 BTV-1/France/2001/01 cattle AQR59263.1 BTV-9/Ecuador/2015/01 cattle AQR59288.1 BTV-1/Australia/2003/01 cattle ASW41570.1 BTV-7/Australia/2007/6963 cattle AFK91729.1 BTV-16/Indonesia/1998 unknow ASW41620.1 BTV-16/Turkey/2000/01 unknow AKV61432.1 -
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