微粒子(Microsporidia)广泛分布于自然界,是一类专性寄生的单细胞真核生物,可以寄生于脊椎动物和无脊椎动物,是一些动物和经济昆虫的常见病原,危害极大[1-2]. 由于微粒子还能够机会性感染具有免疫缺陷的病人,近年来备受关注[3-4]. 家蚕微粒子病(pébrine)是一种由家蚕微粒子(Nosema bombycis,Nb)感染、寄生引起的蚕病,传播方式为食下传染和胚种传染,是蚕丝业的重大威胁之一[5-6]. 家蚕微粒子曾给欧洲养蚕业带来毁灭性打击,致使其一蹶不振[7]. 因此,在蚕业生产上家蚕微粒子被定为唯一法定检疫对象.
在家蚕品种对微粒子的抗性研究中,日本学者谷贤三郎于20世纪30年代就指出不同的家蚕品种对微粒子的抗性存在差异,且这种差异会遗传给子代[8]. 刘仕贤等[9]、张远能等[10]研究了相关家蚕品种对微粒子的抗性差异,结果表明这种差异有强弱之分,且抗性强的品种可以作为宝贵的育种亲本材料. 为了充分了解现有实用品种的抗性,徐兴耀等[11]研究学者对广东生产常用的品种进行微粒子抗性研究,结果表明其均对微粒子敏感,属于易感品种. 沈中元等[12]对中系、日系、欧洲系统和多化性系统进行微粒子抗性研究,表明不同系统抗性存在差异,少数品种间存在极显著差异. 近些年各级蚕业科研单位及蚕种场均集中力量选育强健、优质、高产及易繁等家蚕素材,致使实用品种的原种对微粒子抗性及胚传规律研究相对较少. 目前家蚕微粒子病胚种传染研究主要问题集中在以下3个方面:①当前微粒子防控主要通过药物消毒手段,难以从源头切断微粒子传播;②对微粒子抗性研究目前主要集中于育种素材方面,对生产的指导意义不大[13];③现有实用品系微粒子抗性不强,导致无法实施针对性防控微粒子. 因此结合目前成品卵检疫标准,迫切需要分析生产过程中家蚕常用实用品系对微粒子的抗性.
为了进一步了解当前生产过程中常用家蚕原种对微粒子的抗性差异,本文利用8个家蚕常用原种对微粒子胚传特性进行研究,以期分析家蚕原种抗微粒子的规律,进一步创新发展家蚕微粒子病防控技术体系. 本研究一方面有助于确定微粒子具体检验标准,进一步为家蚕微粒子病的风险评估和检测防控奠定理论基础,另一方面为筛选高抗性低胚传的家蚕实用品系提供新的思路.
Analysis of the Embryonic Transmission Characteristics of Common Bombyxmori Original Species to Nosemabombycis
摘要: 家蚕微粒子病是一种危害性极大的传染性疫病, 是蚕业生产上唯一的法定检疫对象. 不同家蚕原种对家蚕微粒子的胚传特征分析可为家蚕微粒子病的综合防控提供理论支撑. 为了充分了解现有主要实用家蚕原种对家蚕微粒子(Nosema bombycis)感染抗性的差异, 本研究利用流行病学和统计学方法选择产业中近30年主要分布于四川、重庆、江苏、广西及云南常用的8个高产优质亲本品种(871、872、芙蓉932、湘753、菁松B×A、皓月B×A、苏菊和云7), 分别测定其对家蚕微粒子的抗性, 并分析了不同品种对家蚕微粒子的胚传规律. 经研究发现8个现有生产中常用品种对微粒子抗性明显不同, 当母蛾带毒程度>100时, 云7的子代感染率与感染强度分别为54.4%和82, 均为最低; 相对于易感原种871, 其子代感染率提高了21.2%, 子代感染强度数值提高了34, 子代感染率和感染强度的差异均十分明显; 同一原种感染程度不同的母蛾胚传存在差异, 一般胚传带毒与母蛾带毒呈正相关, 表明母蛾带毒程度是影响子代感染率和感染强度变化的主要因素. 通过掌握母蛾感染程度与胚传带毒之间的规律, 可为原种间抗性差异的研究提供参考, 并对家蚕微粒子防控具有重要意义.Abstract: Asanextremely destructivesilkworm disease, pébrine(Nosemabombycis) is the only legal quarantine object in the production of sericulture. Analysis of the embryo transfer characteristics of N. bombycis(N.b) from different silkworm (Bombyxmori) original speciesmay provide atheoretical support for the integrated management of this disease. In order to fully understand the differences in the resistance of the existing prevailingparent silkworm varieties to N.b infection, epidemiological and statistical methods were adopted in this study to testthe resistance of eight high-yield and high-quality silkworm parental varieties (871, 872, Furong 932, Xiang 753, Jingsong B×A, Haoyue B×A, Su Ju and Yun 7)commonly used in Sichuan, Chongqing, Jiangsu, Guangxi and Yunnan in the past 30 years, andthe embryo transfer of N.b of these silkworm varieties wasanalyzed. The results indicated that the resistance of the eight varieties to N.b was significantly different. When the degree of toxicity of the female moth was > 100, the progeny of Yun 7had the lowest infection rate and infection intensity, being 54.4% and 82, respectively. Compared with that ofsusceptiblestock variety 871, the infection rate of the progeny increased by 21.2%, and the progeny infection intensity increased by 34, the differencesbeing significant statistically. A difference was detected in embryo transmission among female moths with different degrees of infection of the same stock, and the general embryo infectionwas positively correlated with that of the female moth, indicating that the infection degree of the female moth was the main factor affecting the changes in the infection rate and infection intensity of the progeny. In conclusion, understanding the relationship between the degree of infection of female moths and embryo infection not onlymay provide reference for the study of resistance differences between the parent silkworm varieties, it also is of significance for the prevention and control of pébrine.
Key words:
- Bombyxmori original species /
- Nosemabombycis /
- embryo infection /
- resistance .
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