为描述两点距离的不确定性,文献[1]给出了模糊度量(简称为KM模糊度量)的概念,文献[2]对KM模糊度量进行了改进,提出了现在被称之为GV模糊度量的新概念. 文献[3]对KM模糊度量和GV模糊度量进行了推广,引入了(L,M)模糊度量的概念. 到目前为止,许多经典度量空间的重要结果被推广到了模糊度量空间中[4-10],同时,模糊度量已经被广泛地应用在彩色图像处理和算法分析中[11-17]. 为研究模糊度量与分明度量之间的关系,文献[7]给出了伪度量族空间的概念,建立了两个分解定理. 然而正如文献[7]中所指出的,这两个定理成立需要对模糊度量定义中的t-模进行严格的限制.
本文引入了星伪度量族的概念,利用这一概念,建立了具有一般t-模的模糊度量的分解定理. 此外,在引入模糊度量空间与伪度量族空间等距同构的概念之后,给出了模糊度量空间与伪度量族空间等距同构的充分条件和必要条件.
Pseudo-Metric Structure and Isometrical Isomorphism in Fuzzy Metric Spaces
摘要: 由于模糊度量在彩色图像滤波等方面的成功应用,近年来该领域的研究引起了人们的重视. 在将经典度量空间中的重要结论推广到模糊度量空间中的同时,研究方法上的创新显得特别重要. 其中,将模糊度量分解为一族经典度量,建立模糊度量的分解定理无疑是十分有意义的. 已有的分解定理主要是针对取小算子的模糊度量展开的,在应用上具有很大的局限性. 本文引入了星伪度量族的概念作为对伪度量族概念的推广,利用这一概念,建立了针对取一般连续t-模的模糊度量的分解定理. 同时,本文给出了模糊度量空间与伪度量族空间等距同构的充分条件和必要条件,由此建构起模糊度量与伪度量族之间的联系,为一般意义下的模糊度量的研究提供了一种新的有效途径.Abstract: Due to the successful applications in such fields as color image filtering, the research about fuzzy metrics has attracted more and more attention in recent years. While many important results of classical metric spaces are generalized to fuzzy metric spaces, the innovation of research methodsis becoming increasingly important. No doubt, decomposition of fuzzy metrics into a family of classical metrics and establishment of decomposition theorems of fuzzy metrics are of great significance. The existing decomposition theorems, however, are mainly focused on fuzzy metrics with the minimum operator, and thus have great limitations in application. In this paper, the concept of family of star pseudo-metrics is introduced as a generalization of the family of pseudo-metrics. In addition, the sufficient and necessary conditions of isometric isomorphism between a fuzzy metric space and a family of pseudo-metric spaces are given, and the relationship between them is constructed, which provides a new and effective approach to the study of fuzzy metrics in the general sense.
Key words:
- fuzzy set /
- fuzzy metric /
- pseudo-metric /
- decomposition /
- isometrical isomorphism .
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