自古以来,农业一直是与气象条件依存度最高的产业之一,在全球气候变化的大背景下,农业受到的影响最为显著,各类极端气候事件对农业生产的影响也越来越受到国内外学术界的重视,其中干旱是受关注度最高的一种气象灾害[1-2]. 我国水资源虽然丰富,但其分布极为不均,因此,对以农耕为立身之本的中华文明来说,旱涝灾害从几千年前开始就始终存在并不断展示其巨大威力.
目前中国是全球最大的水稻生产国,其中四川是13个粮食主产区之一,水稻产量占全国粮食总产量的6.9%[3-4]. 四川地理位置特殊,地形地貌多样,大气环流复杂,四川水稻生产易受干旱、洪涝、高温、冷害等多种气象灾害的影响,其中又以干旱最为常见,对产量影响最大[5]. 水稻是水生植物,生长过程中需水量大,但在四川省农业生产中,各类水利工程设施覆盖面较小,水稻能够有效灌溉的地区不多,水稻产量很大程度上仍然受自然降水的影响. 因此,研究四川水稻干旱灾害综合风险对水稻生产规划布局有着十分重要的指导意义.
近十几年来,西南地区严重干旱灾害频发,因此针对该地区的干旱研究不断增多. 如张峰[6]对川渝地区农业气象干旱风险与损失进行评估; 张建平等[7]改进相对湿润指数,对西南地区水稻干旱时空分布特征进行评述; 赵海燕等[8]修正综合气象干旱指数并分析其在西南地区的适用程度; 宋艳玲等[9]针对干旱对贵州地区水稻产量的影响进行分析; 王明田等[10]、李金建等[11]、袁淑杰等[12]都基于相对湿润指数分别对西南和四川盆地干旱时空变化特征进行分析. 针对四川地区的水稻干旱,陈超等[13]、陈东东等[14]分别针对水稻不同生育阶段开展干旱风险研究; 庞艳梅等[15]、杨世民等[16]对四川盆区直播与移栽水稻的干旱风险进行了对比评估. 但以上研究或是基于相对湿润指数,或是仅以四川盆地水稻作为研究对象,或是针对水稻某个生育期进行分析,而基于水分亏缺指数[17]对四川全部水稻产区干旱灾害风险的分析评估较少.
本研究基于水分亏缺指数(crop water deficit index,CWDI),从自然灾害形成机制的角度,提出以危险性、脆弱性、暴露性和防旱减灾能力4个要素[18-19]作为种植制度优化评价指数,构建风险评价模型,研究干旱对区域作物种植制度演变的影响,明确干旱气候背景下,各区域种植制度布局如何根据农业气候资源变化进行优化,以期为相关决策生产部门开展农业生产应对气候变化采取相关措施提供科学参考依据.
Comprehensive Risk Assessment of Rice Drought Disaster in Sichuan Province Based on Crop Water Deficit Index
摘要: 四川是我国水稻重要产区之一,水稻产量在全国居于前列. 干旱是四川水稻最重要的农业气象灾害之一,研究干旱对水稻的综合风险,对保障四川水稻安全生产乃至全国粮食安全有重要意义. 利用四川水稻产区26个观测站点的气象观测资料、农业气象观测资料、社会统计资料、基础地理信息数据,以水稻全生育期为研究时段,选取水分亏缺指数、产量变异程度、水稻生长暴露程度、有效灌溉率、人均GDP等影响因子,构建出四川水稻危险性、脆弱性、暴露性、防灾减灾能力评价模型,进而构建出四川水稻干旱灾害综合风险评价模型,对四川水稻产区进行区划. 结果显示:干旱高风险区和次高风险区主要分布于盆东平行岭谷区大部、盆中丘陵区北部、盆北深丘低山区西部和东部; 中等风险区主要分布于盆中丘陵区东北部和东南部、盆北深丘低山区中部、盆南丘陵低山区西南部、川西南山地大部; 次低风险区和低风险区主要分布于成都平原区和盆中丘陵区的成德绵乐经济带及其辐射区域. 四川水稻产区单季稻干旱灾害地区差异明显,各地应根据风险区划特点,结合本地实际进行选种和种植,并采取多种防灾减灾措施减轻干旱损失.Abstract: Sichuan is one of the important rice producing areas in China, and the rice yield ranks in the forefront of the country. Drought is one of the most important agrometeorological disasters of rice in Sichuan Province. It is important to study the comprehensive risk of drought on rice for ensuring the safety of rice production in Sichuan Province and even the national food security. In this study, the meteorological observation data, agricultural meteorological observation data, social statistical data and basic geographic information data from 26 observation stations in Sichuan rice-growing areas from 1980 to 2017 were used to establish the evaluation models of risk, vulnerability, exposure and disaster prevention and mitigation capacity for Sichuan rice by taking the whole growth period of rice as the research period, selecting crop water deficit index, yield variation degree, rice growth exposure degree, effective irrigation rate and per capita GDP as the influencing factors. Then, the Comprehensive Risk Assessment Model of rice drought disaster in Sichuan was constructed for zoning the rice production area in Sichuan. The results showed that the high-risk and medium-high-risk areas of drought were mainly distributed in most of the parallel ridge-valley areas in the east of the basin, the north of the hilly areas in the middle of the basin, and the west and east of the deep hilly and low mountainous areas in the north of the basin. The medium risk areas are mainly distributed in the northeast and southeast of the hilly area in the middle of the basin, the middle of the low hilly area in the north of the basin, the southwest of the low hilly area in the south of the basin, and most of the mountainous areas in the southwest of Sichuan. The sub-low risk area and low risk area of drought disaster risk are mainly distributed in the Chengdu Plain and the Cheng-De-Mian-Le Economic Belt and its radiation area in the hilly area of the basin. The regional difference of drought disaster of single cropping rice in Sichuan rice production area is significant. According to the characteristics of risk regionalization, selection and planting of rice should be carried out in consideration of the local conditions, and various disaster prevention and mitigation measures should be taken to reduce the drought loss.
Key words:
- Sichuan province /
- CWDI /
- rice /
- drought /
- risk .
表 1 四川省不同区域水稻发育时段划分
区域 移栽-成熟 移栽-分蘖 分蘖-拔节 拔节-孕穗 孕穗-抽穗 抽穗-成熟 成都平原区(Ⅰ区) 5.11-9.10 5.11-5.31 6.1-6.20 6.21-7.20 7.21-8.10 8.11-9.10 盆中丘陵区(Ⅱ区) 5.11-9.10 5.11-5.31 6.1-6.20 6.21-7.20 7.21-7.31 8.1-9.10 盆南丘陵低山区(Ⅲ区) 4.11-8.10 4.11-5.10 5.11-5.31 6.1-6.30 7.1-7.10 7.11-8.10 盆东平行岭谷区(Ⅳ区) 5.11-8.31 5.11-5.31 6.1-6.20 6.21-7.20 7.21-8.10 8.11-8.31 盆北深丘低山区(Ⅴ区) 5.21-9.30 5.21-6.10 6.11-6.30 7.1-7.20 7.21-8.20 8.21-9.30 川西南山地半湿润气候区(Ⅵ区) 5.1-10.10 5.1-5.20 5.21-6.20 6.21-7.31 8.1-8.10 8.11-10.10 川西南山地干热河谷区(Ⅶ区) 5.11-9.10 5.11-5.31 6.1-6.30 7.1-7.20 7.21-8.10 8.11-9.10 表 2 水稻干旱等级划分
等级 指数(I) 程度 等级 指数(I) 程度 0 I≥-0.4 无旱 3 -1.6≤I<-1.2 重旱 1 -0.8≤I<-0.4 轻旱 4 I<-1.6 特旱 2 -1.2≤I<-0.8 中旱 表 3 水稻主要生育阶段划分
序号 主要生育阶段名称 序号 主要生育阶段名称 1 移栽-分蘖 4 孕穗-抽穗 2 分蘖-拔节 5 抽穗-成熟 3 拔节-孕穗 表 4 风险等级划分
风险等级 风险度阈值(Z) 风险等级 风险度阈值(Z) 低风险 Z≤0.08 中高风险 0.35<Z≤0.60 中低风险 0.08<Z≤0.20 高风险 Z>0.60 中等风险 0.20<Z≤0.35 -
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