“爱媛28号”又称“红美人”“果冻橙”,是“南香”与“天草”为亲本杂交育成的早熟优质橘橙类品种[1]. 我国浙江地区首先引进该品种,由于其具备优质、早熟、丰产、适应性广等优点,近年来在我国柑橘产区广泛种植[2]. “爱媛28号”成熟期一般在11月下旬,12月上旬完熟[3],成熟后果面呈橙红色,果肉极化渣,高糖优质,有甜橙般香气[4],是当前的网红柑橘品种. 该品种投产前树势较强,粗枝大叶,枝梢易徒长,枝条较软;由于其开花坐果能力极强,结果投产后枝梢容易衰弱,尤其过量挂果后树势迅速衰退,往往形成小老树[5]. 目前,我国部分柑橘产区大量高接换种“爱媛28号”,过量挂果后树势早衰问题十分突出,已成为制约该品种快速发展的技术瓶颈之一.
砧木对柑橘树体的生长发育与养分吸收等具有十分重要的作用[6],直接影响果园的后期经济效益. 由于接穗遗传性差异以及不同砧木根系对养分吸收能力的差异,不同砧穗组合对养分转运及吸收利用也存在较大差异,进而影响树体的生长发育[7]. 赵旭阳[8]研究发现不同砧木的“渝津橙”苗木生长发育存在较大差异. 国内外在苹果[9]、桃[10]、杧果[11]、甜橙[12]等果树上的研究结果表明,砧木能够通过调控相关营养元素的吸收和转运,从而影响嫁接口上部植株的矿质营养水平.
柑橘优质高效生产离不开优良新品种的快速繁育和高品质栽培技术体系的应用,科学合理地选择适宜的优良砧木类型是柑橘苗木嫁接繁育与优质丰产的基础. 本研究以4种不同砧木的“爱媛28号”橘橙苗木为试材,研究不同砧木对“爱媛28号”养分吸收利用的差异与影响,筛选出“爱媛28号”养分吸收利用较好的砧木类型,为解决生产中“爱媛28号”进入挂果投产后树体迅速衰退与枝梢衰弱问题,同时也为柑橘优质丰产提供一定的理论依据.
Effect of Different Rootstocks on Nutrient Absorption and Utilization of Vegetative Organs in 'Ehime 28'
摘要: 以枳壳、枳橙、红橘和香橙等为砧木的“爱媛28号”橘橙苗木为对象,研究这4种砧木对“爱媛28号”叶片、枝条、茎干、砧木、根系等器官组织的养分吸收利用情况,筛选出“爱媛28号”养分高效利用型的砧木品种. 结果表明,“爱媛28号”叶片、枝条、茎干的氮、磷、钾吸收量均以枳橙砧最高,钙、镁吸收量以香橙砧最高,铁、锰、锌、硼吸收量以枳壳砧最高;砧木及根系中的磷、镁、铁、锰、锌、硼吸收量均以枳壳砧最高;红橘砧的各营养器官组织的各元素质量分数均为最低. 由此说明,枳橙砧“爱媛28号”吸收利用氮、磷、钾等大量元素养分能力相对较强,枳壳砧“爱媛28号”吸收与转运铁、锰、铜、锌、硼等微量元素能力相对较强,而红橘砧对矿质营养元素的吸收转运能力相对较弱.Abstract: Taking seedlings of 'Ehime 28' on rootstocks of trifoliate orange, Carrizo citrange, red tangerine and Citrus junos as the object, the effects of four rootstocks on nutrient absorption and utilization in the organs and tissues of seedling s such leaves, branches, stems, rootstocks and roots were studied The high nutrient utilization rootstock varieties for 'Ehime 28' were put forward. The results showed that the absorption of N, P and K in leaves, branches and stems of grafted 'Ehime 28' was the highest on Carrizo citrange rootstock, the absorption of Ca and Mg was the highest on C. junos rootstock, and the absorption of Fe, Mn, Zn and B was the highest on trifoliate orange rootstock. The absorption of P, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and B was the highest by rootstock and root system of trifoliate orange. The contents of elements in vegetative organs and tissues of red tangerine rootstock were relatively the lowest. In summary, the ability of 'Ehime 28' on Carrizo citrange rootstock to absorb and utilize macro elements such as N, P, K is relatively strong, the ability of 'Ehime 28' on trifoliate orange rootstock to absorb and transport Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, B and other trace elements is relatively strong, while the ability of red tangerine rootstock to absorb and transport all mineral nutrients is relatively weak.
Key words:
- 'Ehime 28' /
- rootstock /
- vegetative organ /
- nutrient absorption .
表 1 “爱媛28号”橘橙不同砧木各器官组织氮、磷、钾质量分数
g/kg 元素 砧木类型 嫁接口上部 嫁接口下部 叶片 枝条 茎干 平均值 砧木 根系 平均值 氮 枳壳 57.75±2.73a 23.49±1.62a 18.40±1.62a 32.54±0.65ab 20.71±1.61a 17.72±1.39c 19.21±1.45bc 枳橙 55.64±1.76a 26.21±1.90a 21.36±1.60a 33.74±0.37ab 14.60±1.57b 35.77±2.48a 25.18±0.72a 红橘 59.86±2.88a 20.02±1.22b 16.32±1.76b 31.07±0.95b 18.44±0.99a 24.88±2.50b 21.66±1.15ab 香橙 58.56±3.10a 23.82±0.74a 19.58±1.80a 34.32±1.35a 13.79±1.69b 14.00±1.24c 13.89±1.20c 磷 枳壳 2.16±0.10a 1.07±0.12bc 0.66±0.09b 1.30±0.06b 0.41±0.09b 1.17±0.09a 0.76±0.03bc 枳橙 1.97±0.08b 1.73±0.18a 0.96±0.17a 1.52±0.07a 0.51±0.09b 1.37±0.04a 0.89±0.14ab 红橘 1.98±0.08b 0.95±0.01c 0.54±0.12b 1.13±0.09b 1.03±0.07a 1.30±0.24a 1.07±0.23a 香橙 2.22±0.04a 1.25±0.15b 1.10±0.17a 1.60±0.07a 0.48±0.03b 0.88±0.09a 0.63±0.04c 钾 枳壳 9.28±0.61a 5.37±0.23b 3.40±0.31a 6.02±0.18b 1.81±0.06c 4.23±0.26b 3.05±0.09c 枳橙 8.85±0.51a 6.57±0.08a 3.45±0.35a 6.42±0.12a 2.07±0.14bc 4.82±0.31ab 3.44±0.19b 红橘 7.77±0.25b 3.05±0.05d 1.80±0.31c 4.20±0.04d 2.64±0.15a 5.35±0.41a 3.85±0.18a 香橙 9.62±0.28a 4.41±0.12c 2.54±0.18b 5.52±0.02c 2.45±0.15bc 4.78±0.22ab 3.71±0.18ab 注:同一列数据后小写字母不同表示差异有统计学意义(p<0.05). 表 2 “爱媛28号”橘橙不同砧木单株养分吸收量
mg 器官 砧木类型 氮 磷 钾 钙 镁 铁 锰 锌 硼 嫁接口上部 枳壳 217.82±24.51ab 8.56±1.24b 38.69±4.21a 62.84±6.45b 7.00±0.72ab 0.40±0.04a 0.22±0.02a 0.08±0.01a 0.12±0.01a 枳橙 256.23±21.09a 11.56±0.84a 46.29±5.07a 88.79±4.57a 6.60±0.76b 0.32±0.02b 0.16±0.01b 0.07±0.01b 0.11±0.00a 红橘 188.29±20.63c 6.01±1.24c 22.68±3.20b 58.38±9.11b 4.73±0.60c 0.21±0.03c 0.08±0.01d 0.04±0.01c 0.06±0.01b 香橙 244.92±38.44a 10.70±0.83a 40.98±4.16a 93.48±6.45a 8.07±0.84a 0.40±0.04a 0.10±0.01c 0.06±0.01b 0.10±0.02a 嫁接口下部 枳壳 216.55±26.72b 12.64±1.49a 45.63±4.05b 82.31±6.12c 16.02±0.97a 6.24±1.03a 5.82±0.61a 0.33±0.03a 0.21±0.02a 枳橙 334.90±26.46a 10.01±1.61a 46.10±3.95b 89.73±6.96bc 11.03±0.56b 4.45±0.59bc 2.55±0.41b 0.28±0.03ab 0.16±0.01b 红橘 254.23±35.22b 12.01±3.92a 49.60±5.48ab 107.44±15.14b 15.90±1.35a 3.99±0.78c 2.06±0.15c 0.24±0.01b 0.13±0.02b 香橙 202.40±30.23b 10.21±2.40a 56.72±4.84a 173.27±13.90a 15.59±1.97a 5.71±0.31ab 2.68±0.20b 0.25±0.03b 0.14±0.03b 注:同列小写字母不同表示差异有统计学意义(p<0.05). -
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