- 西南大学地理科学学院,重庆,400715;重庆市气象科学研究所,重庆,401147;中国农业大学资源与环境学院,北京,100193
- 积温 /
- 时空变化 /
- GIS /
- 重庆市 /
- 农作物生产
摘要: 基于重庆市34个气象站点1961-2010年的气象资料、DEM以及农业统计年鉴,本文首先利用回归分析法计算重庆地区积温与高程的关系模型;其次结合GIS技术对积温进行地形校正,得到重庆市以10年为尺度的积温栅格面;再对其进行空间分析和统计分析,研究它近50年的变化特征并分析其对农作物生产的影响。结果表明:①重庆市≥10℃平均积温值经历了先降后升的过程,其中上世纪80年代最低,21世纪第一个10年最高;≥10℃积温分布以积温段ⅳ(4000~5000℃)、积温段ⅴ(>5000℃)为主,二者所占面积比例之和约为75%;积温段ⅱ(2000~3000℃)、ⅲ(3000~4000℃)、ⅳ(4000~5000℃)的面积总体上呈现先增加后降低的趋势;积温段ⅰ(≤2000℃)变化复杂;②各年代的积温空间演变均以无变化区所占面积比例最大;上世纪60到70、80到90年代的积温段变化单一,其他各年代间积温段的变化较复杂;③上世纪80年代后,随着积温的升高,稻谷等作物的种植面积缩小,而稻谷、油菜等作物单产增加,但农用化肥施用量和农药施用量也随之增加。
On Spatio-Temporal Changes of Accumulated Temperature Greater than or Equal to 10 Degrees Centigrade in Chongqing and Their Effects on Crop Production from 1961 to 2010
- 西南大学地理科学学院,重庆,400715;重庆市气象科学研究所,重庆,401147;中国农业大学资源与环境学院,北京,100193
- 积温 /
- 时空变化 /
- GIS /
- 重庆市 /
- 农作物生产
Abstract: With regression analysis , relational models of accumulated temperature and elevation in Chongqing region has been deduced based on the data of mean daily air temperature recoded in 34 meteoro‐logical stations in Chongqing from 1961to 2010 ,the digital elevation model of Chongqing and Chongqing Agricultural Statistical Annual . Then , accumulated temperature grid surfaces for 10 years scale of Chongqing have been achieved with the GIS technology to emendate accumulated temperature according to terrain .Finally ,spatial analysis and statistical analysis of the accumulated temperature grid surfaces have been made to study their variation characteristics during recent 50 years and analyze their impact on crop production .The results showed that 1) the average value of ≥10℃ accumulated temperature of Chongqing experienced an earlier decreasing and later raising process in which the lowest value occurred in the 1980s and highest in the first decade of the 21st century .T he accumulated temperature segment iv and v ,w hich totally accounted for about 75% were the main proportion of the distribution of the ≥10℃ accumulated temperature .The total areas of accumulated temperature segment ii ,iii and iv showed a trend of decrease after increase .Nevertheless ,the accumulated temperature segment i changed in complex .2) the un‐changed areas of accumulated temperature spatial evolution of each decade occupied the largest ratio .From 1960s to 1970s and 1980s to 1990s in the last century ,the accumulated temperature segments changed in a single ,but the accumulated temperature segments between the other years changed more complicatedly . 3) after the 1980s ,with the rise of accumulated temperature ,yields of rice ,rapeseed and other crops in‐creased despite though the area of rice and other crops had been reduced .Meanwhile ,the application a‐mount of agricultural fertilizer and pesticides had been increased as well .