为了探讨奶牛的遗传基础对耐热性和免疫机能的影响, 对弗荷杂交牛(弗莱维赫×荷斯坦F1)与荷斯坦牛的生理生化、 免疫和抗氧化指标进行了比较研究. 采用品种分组试验设计, 根据组间胎次、 泌乳天数及产奶量相近的原则, 选取18头弗荷杂交牛和18头荷斯坦牛. 结果表明, 热应激期, 弗荷杂交牛的血清T4,CORT,IL-1,T-AOC和SOD水平显著高于荷斯坦牛(P0.05). 结果显示, 热应激期, 弗荷杂交牛的热适应性能、 免疫功能和抗氧化性能高于荷斯坦牛, 能较好地适应高温高湿的外界环境;非热应激期, 弗荷杂交牛的免疫功能高于荷斯坦牛, 机体的健康状况良好.
In order to explore the heat resistance of hybrid offspring of Holstein cows, the physiological and biochemical, immune and antioxidant indexes of Fleckvieh×Holstein and Holstein cows has been compared in this test, in which 18 Fleckvieh×Holstein cows and 18Holstein cows have been selected, according to the similar principle of inter-group parity, lactation days and milk yield.The results showed that, during heat stress period, the T4, CORT, IL-1, T-AOC and SOD levels of Fleckvieh×Holstein cows are significantly higher than Holstein cows (P0.05).The above results meant that, during heat stress period, the thermal adaptability, immune function and oxidation resistance of Fleckvieh×Holstein cows are higher than Holstein cows, and Fleckvieh×Holstein cows could better adapt to the environment of high temperature and humidity.During non-heat stress period, the immune function of Fleckvieh×Holstein cows are higher than Holstein cows.