On Regional Tourism Coordinated Development in Guangxi Based on Niche Theory
摘要: 为优化广西区域旅游布局,促进旅游产业有序协调发展,基于生态位理论,利用2011-2015年广西14个地级城市的相关变量数据构建了包含旅游产业、经济社会、生态环境等维度的区域旅游生态位测度系统,通过计算得到广西旅游生态位竞争态势综合评价结果.研究结果显示:各城市的旅游生态位总体得分不高但内部差异具有统计学意义,旅游生态位发展态势持续扩充,影响力逐渐增强;区域旅游生态位等级可以划分为核心城市、节点城市、网络城市3种类型,其中核心城市为南宁市和桂林市,节点城市为柳州市,其余11个城市为网络城市;在区域旅游生态位竞合关系中,核心城市、节点城市、网络城市分别适宜采取领先战略、跟随战略、补缺战略.Abstract: In order to optimize the layout of regional tourism and promote orderly and coordinated development of the tourism industry based on the niche theory, it took advantage of 24 related variables during the period of 2011-2015 which can reflect basic regional tourism niche competitiveness condition in Guangxi to construct a measurement system with 3 main dimensions named tourism dimension, social economic dimension and ecological environment dimension, then the comprehensive evaluation results of tourism niche competition situation were obtained by calculation. The research shows that the tourism niche overall score of each city is not high but relatively significant differences internally, all the tourism niche expansion rates continued expanding signified urban tourism influence gradually increased. Tourism niche level can be divided into three types, the core cities of Nanning City, Guilin City, the node city of Liuzhou city, and the other 11 network cities. Within the cooperation-competition relationship of core city, node city and network city,they were suitable for taking leading strategy, following strategy and compensation strategy respectively.
Key words:
- the tourism niche /
- regional tourism /
- coordinated development /
- Guangxi Province .
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