Convergence Analysis of a Cascadic Multigrid Algorithm Combined with Quadratic Finite Element Method
摘要: 通过使用二次有限元的节点信息构造二次插值算子为相邻细网格提供迭代初始值,提出了基于二次有限元离散的瀑布型多重网格法,从理论上分析了该算法的收敛性,给出数值算例验证了改进算法的有效性.Abstract: A new cascadic multigrid (SECMG) algorithm combined with quadratic finite element method has been proposed, in which a quadratic interpolation operator has been constructed by means of the nodes information of quadratic finite element cell, to provide an initial guess of iterative solution on the next fine grid. The convergence of the developed algorithm has been analyzed. Numerical results have been presented to verify the feasibility of this new method.
表 1 CMG和SECMG求解算例1的数值结果
G I CMG SECMG E t/s E t/s 32*32 2 1.79e-02 0.03 3.52e-03 0.03 64*64 2 8.86e-03 0.09 8.82e-04 0.13 128*128 2 4.42e-03 0.47 2.21e-04 0.54 256*256 2 2.21e-03 13.6 5.52e-05 14.0 表 2 CMG和SECMG求解算例2的数值结果
G I CMG SECMG E t/s E t/s 32*32 2 2.31e-02 0.03 4.46e-03 0.03 64*64 2 1.16e-03 0.09 1.81e-04 0.12 128*128 2 5.78e-03 0.49 8.45e-04 0.55 256*256 2 2.89e-03 13.1 4.15e-05 14.4 -
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