Exploration and Enlightenment of Teachers' Workload Governance in the UK
摘要: 教师非教学工作量的增加, 既影响教师对教学和学生发展等最重要工作的时间和精力投入, 也对教师的身心健康构成伤害。面对教师工作负担不断加重的情况, 英国自20世纪90年代起开始开展教师工作量专项调查, 并对教师工作负担过重问题进行治理。其遵循内外并举的治理逻辑, 依据政策文件, 联合多方主体, 治理内容聚焦教师专业发展。在具体实施过程中, 英国教育部成立了三个独立审核小组, 围绕数据管理、规划与资源、学生评分等内容开展专项调查。调查报告提交教育部, 并作为进一步行动的依据。此外, 多元治理主体还重点围绕信息技术、实际案例和职业发展规划等关键内容提供建议和策略。目前, 英国教师工作负担治理已取得较为明显的成效。借鉴其经验, 我国可尝试减少对教师不必要的考核, 巩固教师的教学中心地位, 建立教师减负的系统化机制, 多措并举, 实现教师减负工作的有序和有效实施。Abstract: The increase of teachers' non-teaching workload affects teachers' time investment in teaching and improving students' learning experience, and also affects teachers' physical and mental health. In facing such problems, the Department for Education in the UK has carried out regular investigation and research since the 1990s to manage teachers' workload. So far, it has formed a more comprehensive governance strategy. This work is based on the internal and external integration logic, forms a governance system, covers multiple subjects, and focuses on teachers' professional development. In the specific process, three independent review groups have been set up to investigate the biggest issues-data management, planning and resources, and student marking. The report was submitted to the Ministry of Education and served as a basis for further action. In addition, multiple governance subjects provided practical strategies and suggestions jointly with various subjects, focusing on online resource sharing, network technology, teacher career planning and other fields. At present, the effect of governance strategy is obvious, which has certain enlightenment and reference for the work of reducing teacher workload in China. We can try some strategies: reducing unnecessary assessment contents, consolidating teachers' teaching central position, and establishing a systematic mechanism for teachers' burden reduction, in order to realize teachers' burden reduction gradually.
Key words:
- teachers' workload /
- non-teaching work /
- workload /
- teachers' burden alleviation /
- governance .
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