Theoretical Construction and Operational Strategy of Urban and Rural Teachers' Collectivization Development
摘要: 城乡教育一体化的关键在于师资队伍建设一体化。我国义务教育优质师资分布不均的问题在现阶段仍然较为突出, 成为制约我国基础教育高质量发展的瓶颈。通过城乡集团化办学的系统建设进行教师资源整合, 可以促进"要素性地解决资源问题"向"结构性地解决体系问题"的方向转变, 是有效解决民众对优质教育需求不断增长与优质教育师资结构性失衡这一矛盾的路向性选择。面对城乡义务教育师资失衡难题, 立足各地实践, 探索基础教育公共服务供给体系变革新路向, 具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。在地方政府与教育管理部门提供基本政策保障下, 城乡教育一体化建设应注重以学校为资源整合载体, 借助集团化办学模式, 利用信息技术手段进行教研赋能, 合理配置现有教育资源, 追求教育资源最大化社会效应, 推动构建城乡基础教育一体化发展新格局, 促进城乡义务教育高质量发展。Abstract: The key to the integration of urban and rural education is the integration of teaching staff construction. The problem of uneven distribution of high-quality teachers in compulsory education in China is still prominent at this stage, which has become one of the bottlenecks restricting the high-quality development of basic education in China. The integration of teacher resources through the system construction of urban and rural collectivized schools can realize the transformation of solving resource problems from "by factors" to "by structure", which is a directional choice to effectively solve the contradiction between the increasing demand for high-quality education and the structural imbalance of high-quality teachers. Faced with the problem of imbalance of urban and rural teachers in compulsory education, it is of great theoretical value and practical significance to explore a new direction for the reform of basic education public service supply system based on local practice. To promote the high-quality and balanced development of urban and rural compulsory education, under the correct guidance of the government, the integration of urban and rural education should focus on taking schools as the carrier of resource integration through the mode of collectivization school-running, and advance the integration of technology and education tofacilitate teaching and research. Moreover, the existing educational resources should be properly allocated to achieve its maximization of social effects. Eventually, all these measures will establish a new pattern of integrated development of urban and rural basic education, and promote its high-quality development.
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