(ⅰ) υ≠1且log θ>μ;
$ \frac{{{{\rm{e}}^{ - \frac{1}{2}{{\left( {\frac{{{\rm{log}}\;\theta - \mu }}{\sigma }} \right)}^{\upsilon - 1}}}}}}{{{2^{\frac{1}{\upsilon }}}\mathit{\boldsymbol{ \boldsymbol{\varGamma} }}(\upsilon )}} = {\left( {\frac{{{\rm{log}}\;\theta - \mu }}{\sigma }} \right)^{\upsilon - 1}} $ ;(ⅲ) 记
$ \frac{{{\rm{log}}\;\theta - \mu }}{\sigma } = k $ ,那么此时(1)式可以重新参数化为
Modeling Actuarial Data with LogGED-Pareto Model
摘要: 使用LogGED-Pareto分布模型拟合丹麦火灾保险损失数据.结果表明LogGED-Pareto模型拟合结果优于使用Cooray和Ananda提出的Lognormal-Pareto模型.
- LogGED-Pareto分布 /
- 丹麦火灾保险损失数据 /
- 极大似然估计 /
- 分布拟合
Abstract: In this paper, we use LogGED-Pareto model to fit the Danish fire insurance data.The results show that the logGED-Pareto model is better than the Lognormal-Pareto model proposed by Cooray and Ananda.-
Key words:
- LogGED-Pareto model /
- Danish fire insurancedata /
- maximum likelihood estimation /
- goodness-of-fit .
表 1 拟合丹麦火灾保险损失数据模型的参数估计值
估计法 $ \widehat \upsilon $ $ \widehat \alpha $ $ \widehat \theta $ 对数似然函数值 Hill型估计 2.411 $ {\widehat \alpha _{\rm{H}}} $ =1.334 9471.436 042 -3 875.245 298 极大似然估计 2.316 056 $ {\widehat \alpha _{{\rm{ML}}}} $ =1.403 4411.409 483 -3 872.073 628 表 2 丹麦火灾保险损失数据模型的参数估计值检验
分布 参数估计 对数似然函数 K-S DF 卡方值 Lognormal-Pareto $ \widehat \theta $ =1.385 128,$ \widehat \alpha $ =1.436 332-3 877.844 425 0.028 7 9 12.488 LogGED-Pareto(ML) $ \widehat \upsilon $ =2.316 056,$ \widehat \theta $ =1.409 483,$ \widehat \alpha $ =1.403 441-3 872.073 628 0.025 8 8 10.428 7 LogGED-Pareto(H) $ \widehat \upsilon $ =2.411,$ \widehat \theta $ =1.436 042,$ \widehat \alpha $ =1.334 947-3 875.245 298 0.026 5 8 12.951 7 -
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