Studies on the Dynamic Changes in Seed Pigments and Related Enzymes for Blue and Purple Wheat
摘要: 以西南地区普通白粒小麦绵阳26和川麦107为对照,研究了蓝粒和紫粒小麦籽粒发育进程中花色素、黑色素、总黄酮质量分数及相关酶(PAL,TRO,PPO,POD)活性的动态变化.结果表明,在籽粒发育进程中,① 蓝紫粒小麦籽粒花色素质量分数呈先升后减的变化趋势,在开花后29 d,质量分数达到最高;② 蓝紫粒小麦籽粒黑色素质量分数随着种子的发育一直升高;③ 籽粒总黄酮的变化趋势先上升后呈缓慢下降趋势,除黑麦76在开花后36 d质量分数达到最高外,其他参试小麦都在发育的22 d左右达到最大值;④ 籽粒PAL活性的变化趋势与花色素的变化趋势相同,都先升后减,在开花后29 d,活性达到最高;⑤ 籽粒TRO,PPO,POD活性变化趋势大体一致,都是先升后减,峰值出现在开花后29 d;⑥ 在籽粒发育的各个时期,蓝紫粒小麦的花色素、黑色素、总黄酮质量分数和相关酶活性均高于普通白粒对照小麦,且紫粒小麦的花色素、黑色素、总黄酮质量分数和相关酶活性均高于蓝粒小麦,说明花色素、黑色素、总黄酮质量分数与小麦籽粒颜色密切相关,其色素质量分数越高,籽粒颜色越深;且PAL与花色素呈正相关,TRO,PPO,POD与黑色素呈正相关.此外,PAL对黑色素形成也有一定的影响.Abstract: The pigment contents and the activities of the related enzymes (PAL, TRO, PPO and POD) in blue and purple wheat genotypes in the developing grain were measured, with the wide-cultivated common white wheat cultivars in southwest China (Mianyang 26 and Chuanmai 107) as the control. The results were as follows. First, with the development of the seed, the content of anthocyanin in blue and purple wheat genotypes first showed an upward trend and then a downward trend. Its maximum value occurred at 29 days after blossoming. Second, the content of melanin rose steadily with the development of the grain. Third, the content of total flavones showed an upward trend in the beginning, followed by a gradual drop, with the maximum occurring around 22 days after blossoming in all the samples studied, with the exception of Heimai 76, whose maximum total flavonoid content was detected around 36 days after blossoming. Fourth, similar to that of anthocyanin, the change in PAL activity exhibited a "up-down" pattern with the development of the grain, reaching the climax at 29 days after blossoming. Fifth, the activities of TRO, PPO and POD all showed an upward trend first, followed by a decline. The maximum was recorded at 29 days after blossoming. Last, at each stage of seed growth, the contents of anthocyanin, melanin, total flavones and the activities of related-enzymes in purple wheat were all higher than those in blue wheat, and these indexes of the latter were still higher than those in control wheat. In conclusion, the color of wheat grain depends on the pigment contents in it; the higher is the content, the darker is the color. A positive correlation exists between PAL activity and the synthesis of anthocyanin. The activities of TRO, PPO and POD are positively correlated with the synthesis of melanin. Besides, PAL also influences, to some extent, the synthesis of melanin.
Key words:
- blue wheat /
- purple wheat /
- anthocyanin /
- melanin /
- total flavonoids /
- PAL /
- TOR /
- PPO /
- POD .
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