甘蓝Brassica oleracea L.var.capitata为十字花科芸薹属作物,是一种世界性蔬菜,深受各地民众喜爱.甘蓝杂种优势极显著,其杂种一代亲本的选育具有多种途径,而单倍体育种是一种创制新亲本资源的重要方法,它可以大大提高育种效率、缩短育种年限[1-2];甘蓝游离小孢子培养(Isolated microspore culture)是单倍体育种的一个重要基础,它是指从甘蓝的花蕾中直接分离获得游离态的、新鲜的、发育时期合适的小孢子群体,通过培养使其脱分化,经由胚状体或愈伤组织的诱导,再生获得单倍体植株,而后经过自发或诱发的染色体加倍成为正常可育的、高度纯合的双单倍体植株的过程.据前人在油菜[3]、白菜[4]、甘蓝[5]和萝卜[6]等作物上的研究报道,游离小孢子发育处于单核靠边期是胚状体诱导培养的最佳时期,并且花蕾中发育处于单核靠边期的小孢子在群体中所占比率越大,小孢子发育的同步性越高,其花蕾培养越有利于小孢子诱导出胚状体.据我们观察,甘蓝花蕾中小孢子的发育同步性除受基因型决定外,植株生长的环境条件和栽培措施也是主要影响因素.官春云[7]研究认为,生长在人工气候室内的油菜植株提供的花蕾小孢子出胚率高于取自温室油菜植株上花蕾小孢子出胚率;王鑫等[8]研究认为,通过对甘蓝小孢子供体植株整枝和增施微肥等栽培技术均能显著提高花蕾小孢子发育的同步性.通过对植株形态和栽培措施的改进来提高小孢子培养效果的相关研究报道国内外甚少,本研究拟通过对甘蓝花蕾植株灌水、整枝和疏蕾等处理,研究其对花蕾中小孢子发育同步性的影响,探索出一种甘蓝花蕾小孢子发育同步性较高的植株栽培技术,旨在为甘蓝小孢子培养技术体系更加完善奠定基础.
The Effects of Planting Factors on the Development Synchronicity of Microspores in Brassica oleracea Buds
摘要: 为提高甘蓝花蕾单核靠边期小孢子发育的同步性,完善甘蓝游离小孢子培养技术体系,通过对花蕾供体植株进行整枝、疏花蕾和灌水3个栽培因素处理,研究其对花蕾小孢子同步发育的影响.结果表明:(1)基因型不同,花蕾单核靠边期小孢子比率最大值和其花蕾长度不尽相同,比率最大值范围在34.94%~79.38%,(2)整枝保留20%到80%一级分枝和疏花蕾保留级分枝上10到30个花蕾,均能提高花蕾小孢子发育的同步性,其保留20%一级分枝和选留一级分枝上10个花蕾相比对照单核靠边期小孢子比率最大增加了125.5%和196.3%,(3)增加土壤水势能够提高花蕾小孢子发育的同步性,在土壤水势为-10 kPa可使花蕾单核靠边期小孢子比率比其它灌水下的水势最大增加12%.Abstract: In order to increase the development synchronicity of the cabbage buds at microspore telophaseIand improve the system of the cabbage isolated microspore culture technique, we set three cultivation treatments to the flower bud donor, i.e. pruning, bud thinning and irrigation, and investigated their effects on the development synchronicity of the bud microspores. The results showed that the maximum ratios of bud microspore at telophase Ⅰ and bud length differed with the genotypes, the maximum ratio ranging from 34.94% to 79.38%; that retention of 20% to 80% primary branches in pruning or reservation of 10 to 30 buds on the primary branches helped to improve the development synchronicity of the bud microspores, increasing the ratio of bud microspore at telophase Ⅰ by 125.5% and 196.3%, respectively, under the treatment of retaining 20% primary branches and 10 buds on them; and that increasing soil water potential could improve the development synchronicity of the bud microspores, the ratio of bud microspore at telophase Ⅰ with soil water potential of -10 Kpa being 12% greater than under other different irrigation conditions.
Key words:
- cabbage /
- pruning /
- flower bud thinning /
- irrigation /
- microspore /
- development /
- synchronicity .
表 1 甘蓝不同数量一级分枝上花蕾单核靠边期小孢子比率结果
处理 花蕾单核靠边期小孢子平均比率/% 比CK增长率/% 初花期 盛花期 末花期 初花期 盛花期 末花期 Z1 18.5±8.10aA 22.1±4.55aA 11.9±4.19aA 58.1 125.5 14.4 Z2 12.5±4.00bB 15.6±3.99bB 11.1±3.06bB 6.8 59.2 6.7 Z3 6.7±2.02cC 12.9±2.46cC 10.6±2.31bB -42.7 31.6 1.9 CK 11.7±4.9bB 9.8±2.40dD 10.4±2.55bB - - - 注:a,b,c表示在α=0.05时的差异显著性,A,B,C表示在α=0.01时的差异显著性;数据为“平均数±标准误差”.下表同. 表 2 甘蓝不同疏花蕾量下花蕾单核靠边期小孢子比率结果
处理 花蕾单核靠边期小孢子平均比率/% 比CK增长率/% 初花期 盛花期 末花期 初花期 盛花期 末花期 S1 23.7±2.79aA 34.9±2.33aA 23.9±1.50aA 196.3 195.8 136.6 S2 17.0±2.67bB 15.9±2.34bA 17.2±1.73bB 112.5 34.7 70.3 S3 12.1±2.36cC 15.9±1.74bA 12.5±2.51cC 51.3 34.7 23.7 CK 8.0±1.85dD 11.8±1.89bA 10.1±1.38dD 表 3 不同土壤水势下甘蓝花蕾单核靠边器小孢子比率结果
处理 花蕾单核靠边期小孢子平均比率/% 初花期 盛花期 末花期 平均值 比G1增长量/% G4 61.2±7.82aA 61.3±6.01aA 59.1±3.12aA 60.5 12.0 G3 52.2±5.70bB 55.5±5.12bB 57.3±3.79bAB 55.0 2.6 G2 51.7±7.11bB 54.6±4.13bB 55.0±3.90bcB 53.7 0.1 G1 51.3±4.36bB 53.2±8.38bB 54.2±4.15cB 53.6 -
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