根据Hopper & Thompson的类型学观点,及物性是与整个及物小句有关的概念,是一个典型范畴,有典型和非典型之分,小句及物性有高低差异。例如(a)“John damaged the car”与(b)“Mary resembles her mother”两个小句的及物性高低并不相同:句(a)更接近典型及物性,具有更多典型及物性特征; 句(b)及物性更低,具有更少的及物性特征,描述的是静态事件[1]。基于不同事件类型编码的小句体现不同的及物性,这一观点已被多数学者接受,但如果就同一事件而言,是否只能编码为一种及物性的小句呢?比如“乔治打破了玻璃杯”这一事件,可能编码出(a)“George broke the glass”和(b)“The glass was broken”两个句子,而两句体现的及物性显然不同。语义上的高及物性事件可能被编码为及物性高的小句,也可能被编码为及物性低的小句,其原因何在?如何对这种差异作出解释?类型学研究由于采取静态的视角,并且局限在语言内部,忽略了语言使用的语言外因素,并未聚焦这一问题,更没有能够提供较好的解释。本文认为,若采取动态视角,关注语言使用者在对相同情景事件进行瞬时编码时对小句及物性差异所起的作用,更容易对此作出合理解释。认知语言学所主张的识解,正是强调认知主体在语言编码中的重要作用。基于这一思路,本文以认知识解为分析工具,分析相同情境下影响小句及物性差异的识解维度、受制因素和制约关系,从理论上建立小句及物性的深层认知识解机制。
Cognitive Construal Mechanism of Clausal Transitivity from Event to Language Encoding
摘要: 以类型学为代表的前期及物性研究取得了一些突破,但在视角和研究内容上存在局限性。已有研究主要采用的是静态视角,仅从语言内部出发,关注小句及物性的高低不等问题,忽略了语言使用者的认知加工对小句及物性高低及意义的影响。对于同一情景事件,由于语言使用者认知加工不同,编码的小句及物性的高低和意义都可能不同。从认知语言学视角出发,以认知识解理论为分析工具,可以探讨相同情景事件下影响不同小句及物性编码的识解维度、识解受制因素及制约关系,提炼为影响小句及物性的识解机制,从理论上为小句及物性差异作出解释。Abstract: Some breakthroughs have been made in the previous transitivity studies, such as the typological approach, but there are some limitations due to the inappropriate perspective and limited research focus. With a static observation of linguistic facts, most of the past researches focus more on different degrees of transitivity while less on the role of the language user's cognitive processing in the conceptualization of transitivity. With different ways of cognitive processing, the same event may be encoded into different degrees and semantics of clausal transitivity. From the perspective of cognitive linguistics, this paper uses construal as a theoretical instrument to probe into the construal dimensions and factors that affect the linguistic encoding of events so as to offer a theoretical interpretation of the different manifestations of transitivity.
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