① 国内学界关于柏拉图哲学的诠释进路和解读范式的研究,可参见:李致远.现代柏拉图解读路向管窥[J].求是学刊,2009(2):6-9;詹文杰.柏拉图诠释的进路之争——统一论、演变论与戏剧阐释[J].哲学动态,2010(8):59-67;黄俊松.如何进入柏拉图对话?[J].现代哲学,2018(1):91-98。
On Kant's Interpretation ofPlato and Its Influence
摘要: 柏拉图的接受史和诠释史本身是柏拉图研究中的一个重要问题。一方面,柏拉图的思想奠定了西方哲学的基本形态,深刻地影响着后来西方哲学的发展;另一方面,历代哲学家常常借助对柏拉图的诠释来展开自身的哲学思辨,在这个诠释的过程中又反过来对柏拉图的形象重新进行塑造。其中,对现代柏拉图研究影响最大的当属康德的柏拉图诠释。康德借柏拉图的理念论来阐明自己关于本体世界与现象世界的二元论主张,并将柏拉图的形而上学改造为一种批判哲学意义上的科学的形而上学。这个观念论视域中的柏拉图经过新康德主义的哲学阐发和关于柏拉图作品的文体学与年代学分析,为后世的柏拉图研究确立了经典的解读范式和研究主题。Abstract: The history of reception and interpretation of Plato is an important theme in the Plato research. On the one hand, Platos philosophy has shaped the fundamental ideas of western philosophy, and deeply influenced its development. On the other hand, many philosophers in the history tried to present their own philosophy through their interpretation of Plato, which conversely re-shaped the image of Plato. Kants interpretation ofPlato is of the greatest influence in modern Plato research. Through the philosophical explanation of Neo-Kantianists and some stylometric and chronological analysis of Platos works, this Plato image in the horizon of Idealism philosophy provided a classical paradigm of the modern Plato research.
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